BDE: Stabbing Victim, 55, Dies Of His Wounds 2 Weeks Later

Shalom Sofer, hy’d, who was stabbed by an Arab terrorist two weeks ago in the Shomron, succumbed to his wounds on Monday evening after he had already been released from the hospital.

Sofer, z’l, a resident of Petach Tikvah and owner of a makolet in Kedumim, had entered a store in the Arab village of Al-Funduq on the way home from work and was stabbed by a terrorist a number of times in his stomach and back.

He was evacuated to the hospital in mild to moderate condition in a military mobile intensive care ambulance. At the hospital, his condition initially deteriorated but he subsequently recovered and was released from the hospital a week later. He even attended shul this past Shabbos. However, on Monday evening one of the wounds in his stomach suddenly opened and he lost a large amount of blood within seconds and lost consciousness. He was rushed to Beilinson Hospital but unfortunately, his death was pronounced shortly later.

Sofer’s son, Lidor, spoke to Reshet Bet on Tuesday morning, saying: “Abba had left Kedumim toward Petach Tikvah and he stopped for a minute in an Arab village, where a terrorist attacked him and stabbed him in the stomach and back. I work with him and I reached the scene three minutes later. Abba was lightly to moderately wounded and he even managed to fight with the terrorist and grab his knife.”

“The doctors were optimistic about his condition. Of course, we have many questions about whether someone was negligent. He was already released from the hospital a week ago and the doctors said that everything is fine and he should recover well at home – mentally and physically.”

“Suddenly,” Lidor said in a shaky voice: “At one point last night, one of the wounds in his stomach opened, and within seconds he lost large amounts of blood.”

“We had rejoiced when he was released from the hospital, we wanted to do a mesibas hodaya. We were sure that everything was behind us and that in a day or two, our strong father would return to himself and return to doing good for Am Yisrael. But unfortunately, that is not what happened, he passed away before he could even get to the hospital.”

Lidor praised his father as someone who did countless mitzvos, including allowing families with financial difficulties to buy groceries without payment from his store.

The levaya is scheduled to take place on Tuesday at 1 p.m. in Petach Tikvah.

.תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. This exponentially increases Ben-Gvir’s bargaining strength for absolute expulsion of all Arabs from 🇮🇱 as per Pesaq & directives of the venerated Moreinu HoRav Meir Kahana זצקללה”ה הי”ד and not to acquiesce to joining new coalition until absolute full implementation of this long overdue law

  2. too sad…..time to punish and leave a message to those who harm jews that it will not be tolerated…..your voices are unfortunately not strong enough….this man had a family, who will be responsible for this…think about it…..

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