EFRAT Calls to End Abortion Committees

efratDr Eli Schussheim, President of EFRAT-The Committee to Rescue Israeli Babies, addressed participants of the Knesset conference on Tuesday, 11 Adar I 5774, which was organized by the Committee on the Status of Women & Gender Equality, that he supports their motion to abolish abortion committees in Israeli hospitals.

Dr. Schussheim had originally supported the abortion committees, which consist of doctors and social workers that are supposed to offer support and advice to women with unplanned pregnancies contemplating abortion.

Schussheim commented, “These committees were originally meant to help these women, however they have become ineffective and redundant. According to Ministry of Health figures 97% of those seen by the committee are given approval, irrespective of their individual situation. The doctors and social workers do not properly explain the medical and emotional risks of the abortion procedure. Also, those choosing to end their pregnancy because of financial concerns are not told that organizations exist to help them” .

He went on to explain: “I would propose abolishing the committees with the following three conditions to replace them:

1) In accordance with the findings of the Skenkar Committee (March 1990), Woman seeking abortions are given Ministry of Health literature on the medical and emotional risks of the procedure, like any other medical procedure of its severity.

2) A mandatory cooling off period of 72 hours is implemented to enable the individual to assess their options.

3) If financial reasons are cited as the reasons for seeking an abortion, women are referred to welfare organizations that exist to offer financial support for them.”

EFRAT-C.R.I.B is a pregnancy support organization dedicated to providing mothers and families with emotional and financial support before, and for up to two years after, a child’s birth. Since 1977, the organization has assisted over 56,000 births in Israel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Kol HaKavod to Dr Eli Schussheim for his important work in building the Jewish nation.
    His three conditions are very wise and allow these potential mothers-to-be to evaluate their decisions more informatively.

  2. Given the strongly pro-abortion policies of most mainstream zionists, and their American supporters, this is a futile request. Indeed, the mainstream (secular) media see Efrat as a somewhat deviant organization.

  3. The proposal is well intentioned but not something to support. First, any honest statement of the risks of abortion must include the fact that early trimester abortions are less risky for a woman than a full term pregnancy. Second, the 72 hour cooling off period will endanger the lives of women who are in fact the women who *need* to have an abortion!

    In other countries, changing the culture has had more effect at reducing abortion rates than has regulation. See for example the low abortion rates in the Netherlands where abortions are free on demand to any female citizen.

  4. Charliehall or rather charlie clown. Abortion in Jewish law is only a dideved situation with a Posuk from a Frum Rav. We do not believe in abortion at will which you are promoting here. You are a leftist soina Yiddishkeit. Just think if your mother had an abortion.You won’t be here and given the choice you probably be happier

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