Op-Ed: Thank You Mr. Mayor!


The Mayor of New York City is primarily responsible for the crucial services that keep the city running properly.  But the city does not exist in a vacuum.  And in many ways his political voice is widely recognized all over the world and his views and opinions are acknowledged on an international platform.  That’s why his recent remarks which strongly defended the US – Israel relationship are not to be taken lightly.  It reaffirmed the close bond and the enduring relationship between this city and the State of Israel in a very public manner.

At an appearance he made at a recent AIPAC event, the Mayor unequivocally stated, “It is our obligation to defend Israel but it is also something that is elemental to being an American because there is no greater ally on earth.”

As the saying goes, “You don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy bagels and lox.”  Similarly, you don’t have to be Jewish to be a supporter of the US-Israel relationship.

at stateof stateIsrael is certainly a strong and powerful country in many ways.  Yet it faces more than its fair share of enemies and those who seek its physical and economic destruction.  And while many Americans share the opinion that the threat of Iran’s pending nuclear capabilities are a great danger to Israel, most don’t realize that there are other equally sinister and nefarious enemies out there who seek the delegitimization and economic destruction of the Jewish State.

Level headed and sensible individuals will find it difficult to give credence to those who belong to the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) Movement whose false and dubious concerns over human rights thinly veil their true intentions of doing their utmost to prevent mainstream society from supporting the State of Israel My blood boils when I watch these continuous attempts to chip away at the sensibilities of the American people.  They are achieving their goals in a limited way by both delegitimizing Israel and by intimidating others who are fearful of expressing their own robust support of the Jewish State.

And yet the facts speak for themselves.  Show me a country anywhere in the world that has accomplished what Israel has.  In less than a hundred years it has managed to establish itself as a state with a vibrant democracy that is both multi-lingual and multi-cultural, and where all are free to practice their chosen religion.  They achieve all this in a region where they are under constant threat of aggression since the very day they celebrated their Independence as a nation.

This little country has made countless contribution to the welfare of society.  Just recently, Israeli medical technology created the PillCam, an ingestible camera that can photograph the human colon, allowing millions to benefit from this procedure rather than undergoing a more invasive and costly colonoscopy.  This biotech breakthrough, developed by two doctors by miniaturizing missile technology, is just another example of how Israel utilizes every opportunity to advance the quality of life for all mankind.   It’s no wonder, then, that the Prime Minister of Hamas sent his own granddaughter to Israel for medical treatment.

ezra_bioWhich brings me to a renewed appreciation of the recent remarks of Bill de Blasio and especially his refusal to back down from his statements even under extensive condemnation.  When criticized for his statements, he responded again by saying that he is “unabashedly pro-Israel.”  The Mayor, who is considered politically Progressive has made a clear and unambiguous statement that even Progressives like him can proudly identify with Israel.  This despite the fact that many in the Far Left who also identify themselves as Progressive have been at the forefront of undermining Israel’s legitimacy.  These are the people who are now taking the Mayor to task for his proud identification with the Jewish State in context of his role as Mayor of New York City.

For all these reasons we need to rally behind Mayor de Blasio at this time, and publicly show our appreciation and support for his principled stand.  Not just because he has expressed his friendship so clearly and unequivocally.  But also because his statements can be seen as a catalyst for the development of continued support for Israel in the social and ideological sectors where the Mayor is so popular.  If he can be so bold in stating his opinion, perhaps this will encourage others to come out of the woodwork as well.

Just for the record, let me be clear.  It’s okay to disagree with some Israeli policies or criticize some of their actions.  I, too, often disagree with Israeli government policy in several areas including the secular-religious divide.  And that’s fine.  Just as you don’t have to be Jewish to have your bagel and lox, you don’t have to be Jewish to realize that our support of Israel can be a rational, coherent, balanced, and unemotional recognition of Israel’s success as a State.  Certainly there is friction within us, but it’s mostly inter-familial, not unlike the disagreements one may have with close family members.  When these relatives are attacked from outsiders, that’s when we all band together in a united front against a common threat.

All this reminds me of a story that I heard from Rabbi Chaim Moshe Stauber.  In 1968, then-Vice-President Hubert Humphrey went to visit the Satmar Rebbe of sainted memory.  Presumably, the Vice President was not aware of Satmar policies and graciously expressed his support for the State of Israel.  The Rebbe listened respectfully.  He did not mention a word about his personal feelings regarding the establishment of the Medinah.  When the visit was over, the Rebbe turned to his followers and said:  “I’m sure some of you may be wondering why I didn’t teach him a chapter out of my Sefer, ‘V’yoel Moshe’ (which outlines the Rebbe’s position against the establishment of the modern State of Israel based on Torah sources).  It’s because I chose not to.”  The Rebbe was telling them it’s important to know when to share one’s opposition to the State of Israel and when to remain silent.

Similarly, it’s important for all of us to put our differences aside and rally behind Mayor Bill de Blasio in appreciation of his very positive statements.  Jews of all stripes and all persuasions and all ideological backgrounds should rally behind the Mayor at this critical time.  It’s our duty to firmly support his leadership and his friendship.  New York City must remain a stalwart, dependable, and everlasting defender of the Jewish state.

Ezra Friedlander is CEO of the Friedlander Group, a public policy consulting firm based in New York City and Washington DC.  He may be contacted at [email protected] or followed on twitter at @EzraFriedlander or visit www.TheFriedlanderGroup.com

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN – Studio B)

7 Responses

  1. I’m not going to comment pro or con on the merits of Friedlanders opinions stated in the above op-ed. I’ll just say that anything written by Friedlander is not trustworthy since he is in the business of promoting political candidates. I’d like to add that YWN publishing his op-ed’s is doing a disservice to those who frequent this website. You (ywn) are basically giving him (Ezra Friedlander) a platform to express his opinion which is driven by how much money he can make.

  2. first things first
    Ezra Friedlander is CEO of the Friedlander Group, a public policy consulting firm based in New York City and Washington DC. FOR HIM THIS IS FREE ADVERTISING.
    second what will happen when our communist mayor says that there has to be a Palestinian state so that he can cater to the Arabs on Atlantic avenue in Brooklyn

  3. Yes, my dear friend Ezra, it’s So-o-o easy for DeBlasio to talk about policy for a country 10,000 miles away.

    What’s more important, however. is what he plans for us Jews right here in New York.

    He has just ended “Stop-and-Frisk,” a policy that allowed the Police to disarm violent thugs on the street.

    He has announced ambitious new spending programs–A move that will, inevitsably steal more tax money from hard-working New Yorkers, already struggling to stay afloat in a depressed economy.

    He, like his friend Obama, is using incendiary rhetoric to incite the poor against the middle class (Jews), giving them a justification for violence against the “exploiters.” (“You didn’t build that.”

    I certainly appreciate his supportive words for our brethren in Israel, but I fear very much the effect of his actions on our brethren right here in New York City.

  4. I see that since the right wing trolls can’t find anything of substance here to criticize, they attack the messenger or change the subject.

    De Blasio is not the far left crazy that his opponents (and some of his supporters) believe him to be. While I believe that this speech isn’t particularly important as New York City is not permitted to have a foreign policy, it does show that De Blasio is a friend of Israel.

    There is one comment that does deserve mention, though:

    “inevitsably steal more tax money from hard-working New Yorkers, already struggling to stay afloat in a depressed economy. ”

    In fact, the opposite is true. Mike Bloomberg, who according to election results was the big favorite of the frum community, presided over a huge increase in property taxes, which hit the middle class hard. De Blasio is refusing to take that easy way out — he could easily get the City Council to approve such an increase — but he is demanding that the higher taxes be levied on the most wealthy, who by definition aren’t struggling. For that we should support him!

  5. De Blassio’s “views and opinions are acknowledged on an international platform.” Really? Most people in tel aviv don’t know who the mayor of ny is nor do they care. And I have a hunch hamas and residents of gaza are not that familiar with deBlassio’s politics. I haven’t heard of john kerry seeking a consult with deBlassio either re: the peace talks. Seems to me the only one who cares about deBlassio’s middle east opinion is ezra friedlander, a paid political consultant.

  6. Having observed Ezra in shul for several years I am convinced that, despite the fact that he is in bed with the biggest heretics that politics has to offer, he does continue to be a force to be reckoned with and he has the ear of some of the most influential morons that are our leaders/askanim today. Ezra upholds the honor of the shul by admonishing those who speak during davening or Krias HaTorah, a brave task that few others take upon thmselves. This is the case although the halacha clearly stipulates that we must yell at those who continuously disturb the services by talking in shul.

    The only question that remains is whether Ezra truly believes the gobble- dee -gook that he peddles to our community is he just in it for the money. He has the legal right to continue promulgating his malarkey and we as astute citizens have the moral right and obligation to attack his views, even if it means mocking him for being so foolish as to believe that the men and women of our community fall for his political shenanigans. Don’t talk, just daven! ‘Cause your tefilos will reach Hashem.

    Joseph Lieberman

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