MK Atias: Enough of Bayit Yehudi’s Hypocrisy

atiasAs the final decisions regarding what type of sanctions chareidim will face under the nation’s new draft law are being made, Shas MK Yisrael Atias announced he is fed up with “Bayit Yehudi’s hypocrisy”. Atias explained that it is not sufficient to continue getting on the radio explaining how they oppose government policies but the party remains in the coalition, unwilling to leave or precipitate a coalition crisis.

Speaking with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) host Razi Barkai on Monday morning 10 Adar I 5774, Yesh Atid MK Ofir Shelach explained “it’s a done deal” regarding criminal sanctions for chareidim who fail to report for military service providing draft quotas haven’t been met. In the meantime, Bayit Yehudi Chairman MK Ayelet Shaked continues to tell the public this is not so and the committee hasn’t decided.

Maariv reported days ago that a behind-the-scenes deal was made in which Bayit Yehudi agreed to criminal sanctions, but Shaked denied that report too.

In an interview with Kol Chai Radio Atias said “I hear Bayit Yehudi representatives telling chareidi radio how they oppose this, and then I sit with them in committee meetings as they try to formulate convoluted working to mask the criminal sanctions and I say the worst thing is that they say one thing and do another.”

“The rolling of the eyes infuriates me – when one says one thing and does another” Atias adds, pointing a finger at Bayit Yehudi. “I have no expectations from Yair Lapid for he is a product of his father’s beis medrash. He has a disdain for anything with kedusha. Anything with a hint of Yiddishkheit he hates, hates and hates! Bayit Yehudi however – how are you voting? Don’t tell us what you oppose. This is not academic and this is not university where we explain our positions to one another. How will you be voting?”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. “. . . providing draft quotas haven’t been met . . . ” Unless the government stops drafting from the secular population, quotas will always be met. IDF officials have been reported many times as having said that besides the fact the army cannot accommodate the needs of the chareidim, there is no room for them and no need for them. There have been proposals to cut back the size of the military as they are already too large to handle. The most recent call up was postponed!

    The seforim say the end of golus Edom will mirror golus Yavon. There the golus took place in Eretz Yisroel and the enemy was from within our own ranks. Oy!

  2. How has Bayit Yehudi been hypocritical. From the outset they have made clear they are trying to lead the war on the hareidim, and they are very consistent.

  3. The charedim made war on HaBayit HaYehudi in the last election, which the charedim lost, and that war continues. Why should Bennett cooperate with them?

  4. “The hypocrisy of Bayit Yehudi” – does MK Atias mean as opposed to the hypocrisy of Shas over the years? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!!

    an Israeli Yid

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