Jerusalem Makolets Try to Stand Firm Against Large Supermarkets

veganJerusalem Makolets (grocery stores) are trying to survive, facing harsh competition from the large chains including ShuferSal, Rami Levi and Osher Ahd. They are trying to organize a conglomerate, which already includes 25 stores, to permit them to buy in larger quantities and thereby permit them to sell goods for less. This new initiative is called the “Neighborhood grocery”.

Some store owners explain that distributors view many small grocery stores as a nuisance or inconvenience, and charge them accordingly, compelling them to pay 10-20% more than supermarkets for the same goods. The grocery store owners add that the increase in the number of convenience stores operating 24/6 is also making their lives more difficult.

There are currently 7,000 makolets nationwide so in essence, they do represent significant buying power if they manage to organize.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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