PETA Member Wants Roadside Memorial for Chickens

kapn.jpgNo. This is not a Chodesh Adar / Purim joke. The following is an AP article:

An animal rights advocate wants to place a roadside memorial in Georgia to remember several chickens killed in a highway wreck.

A member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals filed an application for the memorial Wednesday with the Georgia Department of Transportation.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that, if approved, a memorial would be placed at the Hall County site where a truck hauling live chickens overturned Jan. 27.

Sarah Segal of Atlanta writes in her application that she wants to place a 10-foot tombstone memorial for one month on the right of way of U.S. 129 to mark the deaths of the chickens.

The driver of the chicken truck and the other vehicle involved were not seriously injured.


11 Responses

  1. According to the full article, such memorials are usually requested and paid for by the victim’s family members. They should only place this memorial at the site if the victims family members make the request and pay the fee.

  2. They should build a Kentucky Fried Chicken on that spot and put up a big sign reading, “The chickens here did not die in vain!”

  3. This entire discussion is for the birds. I mean these PETA fellows don’t know what’s flying. A bunch of bird brains if you ask me; marching to the beat of a different drumstick. Sorry, but I couldn’t resist. It just seemed like a real finger-lickin-good opportunity.

  4. BH

    Friday night while eating my Chicken soup i say that the chicken who’s juices are swimming in my bowl should have an Aliyas Neshama

  5. Perhaps it should have engraved on it the 100 worst “why did the chicken cross the road” jokes.

    You know the jokes that, like these chickens, were unsuccessful.

  6. Sarah Segal obviously believes in evolution. She should therefore come forward as a distant relative or the closest living relative.

  7. No. 7: Your assumption bout the kashrus of the chicken-victims is incorrect. An obscure and long-forgotten mishnah teaches us that chickens killed in roadside accidents can be eaten within one hour of slaughter, if it is promptly salted, including salting with road salt. I believe part of the text says something I heard my grandmother say often: “It’s a shonduh to let good chicken go to waste.”

    Frankly, the bird that comes to mind whenever I read about PETA is the cuckoo, not the chicken.

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