Lipman Showing His True Colors; Assures Everyone That ‘Criminal Sanctions Will Be In New IDF Draft Law’

lipMK (Yesh Atid) Dov Lipman in an interview on Thursday afternoon 6 Adar I 5774 with Kol Berama Radio assured listeners the new chareidi draft law will include criminal sanctions for non-compliance.

Lipman repeated the party mantra, supporting the new chareidi draft law. He cited that ultimately, the law is going to pass and truth be said, it is better for the chareidim too. He does not understand why the new law is being perceived as viciously anti-chareidi when this is not the case.

Lipman questioned “why continue obsessing over the sanctions and why not just accept the fact and the new law, which is better for all?”

When asked why Yesh Atid is so determined to include criminal sanctions for non-compliance as opposed to monetary fines, Lipman stated the new law has to stand the test of challenges to the Supreme Court. The law he stated must represent equality for all and whereas a non-chareidi faces criminal consequences for not reporting for duty, there cannot be a different standard for chareidim. He warned that any attempt to legislate a law that favors one sector over another simply will be shot down by the Supreme Court, “rightfully so” he added, for there must be equality among the different communities that make up the nation.

When asked to comment on Finance Minister Yair Lapid’s decision to return the February funding for yeshivos following the Supreme Court decision to halt future funding, he told Kol Berama “I have not heard anything about this”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. He joined Yesh Atid knowing full well that “breaking” the hareidi community was one of it principle goals. While many people supported Bayit Yehudi in the belief it was both religious and nationalistic, no one can make such claims for Yesh Atid.

  2. I like MK Lipman. He is doing what the voters want him to do, what they elected him to do.

    The message the haredi world sends to the non-haredi majority is: our lives are more important. You must give up three years of your less valuable lives to serve in the military. We cannot be interrupted from our studies. You must defend us.

    That’s the message, and they resent it. It isn’t fair.

  3. I don’t understand.

    He clearly said that if everyone will share the burden, nobody will be charged criminally.

    The same thing in the USA, if don’t drive while intoxicated, you will not be charged.

  4. Such hypocrisy. This new law is the one that DOES favor one sector over another, as it punishes an entire Kollel for one guy. Do they do the same to universities?

  5. iamfenster, you, like many others, have it backwards.

    The Zionists have invaded E”Y, against the gedolim’s advice and against the Chareidim’s wishes, and forced the Chareidim to accept Zionist rule.

    On top of that, they seek to shmad the Chareidim and draft them into the Zionist den of immorality and shmad that is the IDF.

    The Zionists had decided to transform the Jewish people into a hebrew goy nation so they decided it would be fun to play country in the hope that the goyim would finally like them and accept them as just another nation of the world.

    The gedolim were, obviously, correct, that the entire Zionist idea and enterprise was and is a massive disaster for Jews and would never work out. The Zionists are the ultimate “galus Jew”, groveling to the nations for approval, which they will never get.

    The Zionists have no right to force the native Chareidim into the IDF.

  6. #6 your claiming that living as a Dhimmi under Mooslim or British rule was better? You just want to be a Dhimmi don’t you with the Mooslims or others just ready to go murder your family, or kidnap your daughters or do whatever they like to you. That’s a better situation then fighting bravely against one’s enemies? Your whole ideology is anti-Torah. You probably didn’t and don’t learn Tannach.

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