Susan Rice Takes to Twitter to Blast Israel for Mocking John Kerry

downloadAfter a widespread torrent of criticism from Israeli officials blasting John Kerry, National Security Advisor, Susan Rice took to Twitter to lash back.

The Israeli criticism started when Kerry warned Israel in Munich to cooperate with his peace demands otherwise face global boycott.

Many Israelis consider threats of boycotts antisemitic, since they are addressed only at the Jewish state. None accused Kerry directly of antisemitism, though that seems to be how the White House interpreted the criticism.

However, Rice’s tweets were directed only at Israel.


(YWN – Studio B)


6 Responses

  1. Why should we care what this liar has to say??

    She took the fall for Obama and Hillary and she has been paid off with a cushy job now keep your lying mouth shut and fade into obscurity you toady.

  2. To No. 1

    Do you really believe your childish name-calling of Ambassador Rice enhances the value of your comments? she is an acomplished foreign policy expert and government service. Senator Kerry correctly noted that EY confronts global isolation if there is a breakdown in the peace talks that are perceived to result from failure to negotiate the two-state solution that has been endorsed in theory by Netanyahu. If you disagree with the policy, state your policy views but don’t demean yourself with such rants.

  3. To No. 2

    She went before the American people representing the administration and said things that she knew were utterly false she is a liar and she got paid off for being the fall guy for Hillary and the President yes I think it is ok to call people who lie and sell their soul to pad their resume names, I did not attack her family or anyone else associated with her just her alone.

  4. Number 2 rice is an idiot to be a fall guy. If you don’t see that you don’t know what is flying. Rice should keep her mouth shit. She is incompetent to do her position, but is in i t because of stupidity

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