Leading Gedolim Call for Increased Tznius


In a kol korei appearing in chareidi newspapers, Maranan V’Rabbanan Shlita address the many tragedies over recent weeks, calling upon women to increase modesty standards. The kol korei states a lack of tznius distances the Shechina.

Signed on the kol korei are HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita, HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner Shlita, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, and HaGaon HaRav Nissim Karelitz Shlita. They are calling for increased modesty, citing that among some the standards have fallen considerably. The rabbonim call for shiurim on the subject as well.

In the kenos addressing tznius for women, Rebitzen Kodolsky, who has assumed the role of her late mother Rebitzen Batsheva Kanievsky z”l, she spoke of the need to be mechazeik regarding modesty.

Rebitzen Kodolsky told the audience that she asked her father, Rav Chaim, in what areas women should work to for a chizuk. His response was that women should daven three times daily and light Shabbos candles 10 minutes earlier and this will result in a “Yeshua Gedola”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. Not blaming women. Saying great yeshuos are in their hands. Does anyone say women were being blamed for affecting the ge’ulah from Mitzrayim, Paras u’Madai, or Yavon?

  2. Actually, if you read the words of the Kol Korei in Loshon Hakodesh, it does not mention women anywhere. Of course the automatic reaction to the word “tzniyus” is “women”, however men can and should be mechazek in tzniyus themselves (and not just by encouraging their wives and daughters to conform!).
    What’s with our homes, our cars, are vacations, our lifestyles? They can all be toned down to reflect the level of modesty of an Am Hanivchar. I’m not saying we can’t enjoy what we have and what we earn (with the siyata dishmaya that HKB’H gives us). I AM saying we don’t have to flaunt it. there were many throughout the generations (and some even today) that have plenty, yet they don’t feel the need to show it or spend it without a cheshbon. They also are careful about how the world views them, in the sense that we don’t see their names “in lights” at every opportunity and we don’t hear about them making “news”…rather they are fine baalei batim, in many cases askonim and prominent baalei chesed, just with a derech of Hatznea Leches. we would all do well to heed the call of the gedolim and apply a measure of tzniyus to our lives no matter what our gender.

  3. #2 Boy: Do not tread and start up against the Gedolei Yisroel SHLIT”A. They are far wiser than you. Take their warning and heed them. They know of which they speak.

    Tznius have fallen to new lows and the community must wise up and increase the modesty in dress and speech. It is time for us to improve our behavior and tznius. High time.

  4. I wud venture to asy that the one who asked y women r blamed is a women who happens to be deficient in znius and is. Being defensive. I wonder if i am wrong

  5. Not only can men affect tedious, but HaRav Matisyahu Solomon said publicly that many men, otherwise observant men, either encourage their wives to dress in a less than modest manner, or the wives of these men feel they will not get noticed by their husbands otherwise. The Monsey Rebbe, HaRav Mordechai Hager, told one of his chassidim who complained his wife had begun to wear make-up and read newspapers, that if he would spend less time catching up on the news and return home right after maariv, his wife would not need to be putting on make-up and reading newspapers.

  6. As men we can tone down are mouths especially in shul, and our life style.We all do not need the lastest gadgets, cars, vacations, and give a bit more for tzadduka. We can close the phone 20 minutes before Shabbos and shut them off on shul property meaning when you enter you close the phone. Also close the phone why learning.

  7. #8 – You are wrong, I am a man.
    #6 – Who started up with anyone? I have found, over the years, that any time something bad happens, it’s always because the women arent tzniusdik enough. I have seen this in Lakewood, Monsey, etc.
    I agree, all of us must do our part. But we can’t always fault the women.

  8. Sure you could always just blame women for not being tznius because that’s the only possibility right? It can’t possibly be all the completely asur garbage that men watch on the internet ranging from nasty pictures to straight up xxx videos. And it can’t possibly be any other sin commonly done by men. So let’s just cop out and blame the women shall we?? Wake up people… This is not a sexist issue, both men and women sin, but for people to just throw all blame onto one gender is outrageous. Please get real.

  9. #6 ujm This is a Kol Korei… great rosh yeshivas are quoted to say that you can not believe kol koreis. They are everywhere in Israel and majority are false, signed falsely. Go see if these gadolim would really say that.

  10. BoysWork:
    Who blamed women?

    There are men who foolishly ask their wives to dress immodestly! Some women are still able to hold their ground but others, unfortunately, might not. This is a chizuk to both men and women.

  11. #16 – allow me to quote the first paragraph:
    “In a kol korei appearing in chareidi newspapers, Maranan V’Rabbanan Shlita address the many tragedies over recent weeks, calling upon women to increase modesty standards.”

    what does “CALLING UPON WOMEN” mean to you? That is why I asked that question. I know you find it hard to believe, but the yeshivish world has a history of faulting women and tznius for every tragedy. As #14 said, isn’t it possible that the men are just as guilty? How many spend hours looking at shmutz on the net? How many claim to be sitting and learning, yet not learning a word? How many commit all kinds of thievery in business every day? Molestors are protected and respected. Yet it’s always the women. I’m sorry, but I find this very upsetting.

  12. As I speak for myself a girl in shidduchim after meeting with shadchanim that insist that we girls send a picture of our self. I been asked more than once that I need to send a more detailed picture the face and my full body image.
    When I complained to the shadchen saying isn’t this to provocative lack of modesty they respond to me. that a topical boy won’t even think of you with out first seeing your picture
    With this in mind I think the current level of modesty is to high for our generation we need to lower it to alleviate the shidduch crisis in order to meet the boys expectations. I personally think that tight clothing is uncomfortable and unacceptable. How ever sadly to say when I’m wearing extremely tight clothing and a short enough dress to expose my knees only then do I find favor in the eyes of the boys I go out with.

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