Jerusalem Exterminator May Face Manslaughter Charges

mishtPolice are leaning towards changing the planned criminal indictment against the exterminator who worked in the Givat Mordechai home of the Gross family in Yerushalayim from causing death by negligence to manslaughter. In Israel, the former carries a maximum jail term of 20 years while the latter is only punishable to a maximum of 3 years imprisonment.

The phosphorus based pesticide used in the home led to the deaths of Yael and Avigail Gross z”l, leaving their sons fighting for their lives. The boys, Chaim Michael Shlomo and Refael Isaac remain in an intensive care unit, B”H reportedly doing better and now showing signs of stability.

Experts explain that in order to step up to manslaughter; the state will have to prove the exterminator was aware that his actions may potentially lead to one’s death. Police feel that exterminator was well aware that the phosphorus based pesticide was capable of causing death. Police feel the exterminator was aware that the pesticide was intended for outdoor use only, and he should not have used it in homes. Police explain the exterminator has worked in the industry for many years and he has a great deal of experience and knowledge, and he was quite aware of the potential harm of the pesticide used.

Police appear to be completing the investigation and it will make its recommendation to the state prosecutor, with the latter making the final determination as to the severity of the indictment in the case.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. What is TORAH halacha in this matter?

    Death was caused yet is it punishable by the legal term of manslaughter. Is that the halacha?

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