Hundreds to be Tested on Yabia Omer

ovaDuring recent weeks hundreds of talmidim and avreichim have been reviewing Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef’s ZT”L ninth volume of Yabia Omer which addresses Halachos in Orach Chaim. The sefer is the Shailos Uteshuvos written by the late posek ZT”L.

The project was launched by HaGaon Harav Amrami, rav of Kehillas Chasdei Shmuel and a rav in the Har Homa neighborhood of the capital in memory of Maran. Actually the project began when the gadol hador was ill towards his refuah shleima and now continued in his memory.

The lomdim will be tested on Wednesday, 2 Nissan 5774 and the first prize winner will receive 20,000 NIS, second prize 10,000 NIS and third prize 5,000 NIS. The other seven of the top ten contestants will receive 1,000 NIS each.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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