Continued Improvement in the Condition of the Gross Brothers B”H

tehillThe medical team at Schneider Children’s Hospital in Petach Tikvah is calling the recovery of Chaim Michael Shlomo and Refael Isaac Gross “a miracle” as they continue to show signs of improvement and their conditions stabilize. While they are still in the intensive care unit, they are conscious, alert and breathing on their own.

With HKBH’s assistance the doctors are hopeful that they can be taken from an intensive care unit to a regular room on Tuesday, 4 Adar I 5774.

Reb Zatzlman, the cheder rebbe of Michael Shlomo was among the recent visitors. Reb Zaltzman and he played a audio of Michael Shlomo’s classmates from Talmid Torah Achiezer davening for their refuah, one of the moving moments during recent days in the ICU.

The parents, Shimie and Michal thank Am Yisrael for the continuing tefilos on behalf of their sons and ask that the tzibur continue being mispallel for their refuah shleima.

Their names for tefilos are:

חיים מיכאל שלמה בן מיכל ורפאל אייזק בן מיכל

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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