Beating the Odds – The Unlikely Success Story of the Dor Yesharim Initiative

UntitledHave you ever doubted whether it is halachicly permitted and advisable to get genetically screened? At its onset, the Dor Yesharim initiative was met with much opposition from both a halachic and hashkafic standpoint. Many of these concerns are thoroughly addressed in this issue of the Kuntris Magazine. Additionally, Rabbi Motti Sofer examines many early sources in the Gemara of selecting shidduchim based on genetic complications, as well as close-relative marriages. If you are opposed to genetic screening, are unsure of where you stand, or just want to know why you concur with these tests, pick up a copy of The Kuntris magazine at your local newsstand or grocery.


(Kuntris Newsroom)

9 Responses

  1. Why would anyone ever hold that there is an halachic objection to genetic screening? It is unfortunate that many frum writers pose a ridiculous question in order to justify writing an essay what would easily stand on its own without the rhetoric devices of starting off by asking the audience if they are in fact idiots.

  2. I guess you know everything so there is no need for you to read anything. Apparently Rav Moshe felt that it was important enough to write a tshuva about. Are you referring to him when you say “Many frum writers?”

  3. How you use data from a medical screening is controversial (especially when the screening only shows an increased probability of a condition, rather than certainity, or if the condition is not all that devastating) — but who ever objected to medical screening of any sort? I seriously doubt anyone asked Rav Moshe “May I go to a doctor to have him examine me to see if something is wrong even though I feel fine?”. Screening is an examination. No issue. No controversy unless it is narrow screening for something trivial (as in parents who want to know the gender of a baby, or if they are related to a Neanderthal, or some other unimportant question that screening is used for). The shailohs are over the counseling and decision making, not the screening which is why the first sentence of the press release reprinted above is a very dumb “teaser”.

  4. We are very lucky to have an organization today such as Dor Yesharim, with all the complications that can happen in pregnancy, its nice at least to “not have to worry” about a genetic disease as well!

  5. I do believe that I heard that Rav Chaim is against doing Dor Yesharim once the couple is already engaged. I’m not sure why though
    and I have heard other Jewish sects believing that these kinds of tests are “like playing G-d” and thats why they dont do them….Just saying

  6. I fact the words of the question that Rav Moshe writes is : אם יש לבדוק למחלת טיי סאקס קודם הנישואין
    translation: Should one screen for tay sacks before getting married.
    Akuperma are you going to admit that you were wrong?

  7. I attended a Shiur given by HaRav Reuven Feinstein SHLIT”A, where he discussed the Psak of his father, HaRav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L, on genetic screening:
    * As we are dealing with a Chashasha Rechoka (a statistically remote possibility), genetic testing is a violation of “Tamim Tiheye Im HASHEM ELOKECHA.”
    * However, if the other side in the Shidduch insists on it, do not object and proceed with the testing.

  8. I am not so sure that this is necessarily the “slam dunk” issue as akuperma decribes it. remember many unfortunate outbreaks of diseases have taken place in chasidish / chareidi areas as some people refused vaccinations based upon erroneous medical knowledge. what exactly in their minds would set the fine work of dor yeshorim apart? In other words why believe the genetic testing and not the vaccinations?

  9. Avraham;:with all due respect to rav reuven feinstein shelita,it is not-repeat- not a “cheshash rochok” at all. Jews carry many genes that will, not may but will, to horrible consequences. I daresay r,reuven would sing a different skng if his family,chas vesholom,is afflicted, dor jeshurun is wonderful.and the founders will go straight to gan eden

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