Chareidi Students to Assist Survivors in Actualizing their Rights

hol21.jpgStudents in the Ono Chareidi Campus are working with Jerusalem City Hall. They are receiving the names and information of Holocaust survivors and making them aware of their rights and working to assist them in applying for various forms of aid they are entitled to and in many cases, they are simply unaware.

College official attorney Moshe Shimoni explains the school has decided students will earn credits towards their degree by carrying out this holy assignment for he and the school administration feel the survivors are entitled to all the assistance they can possibly receive.

The law students have met with dozens of survivors and they will now assist them in navigating the somewhat difficult Israeli bureaucracy towards getting what they are entitled to. They hope to assist all 24,000 survivors registered living in the area.

One student, Rivkah Binyamin, 23, explains her family has no personal connection to the Holocaust so for her; this is particularly meaningful as she interacts with the survivors. “They are simply amazing people who deserve anything and anything they can get” she adds.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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