Rav Yisrael Ariel: We Must Conduct Regular Visits into the Kodesh Hakedoshim”

hhaRav Yisrael Ariel, who heads the Machon HaMikdash feels that the Jews must enter the Dome of the Rock at least once weekly, including the קדש קדושים for retaking control of the holy site is “דוחה הטומאה”.

The rav agrees with a psak of Rabbi Shlomo Goren and Rabbi Moshe Tzuriel, who are of the opinion that one may enter Kodesh HaKodoshim towards expelling Muslims from the holiest site. In a response to a question, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel explains that “it is unfathomable to permit the Muslims to view themselves as owners of the Kodesh HaKodoshim …”

Today, the Islamic Waqf forbids Jews from entering any of the structures on Har Habayis and the rav feels that this is an unacceptable situation for they mustn’t view themselves as landlords over the area. He is of the Halachic opinion that the mitzvah of כיבוש permits Jews to enter even the Kodesh HaKodoshim today towards expelling the foreigners from the location.

The rav feels that today it is of the utmost importance to encourage people to visit Har Habayis in accordance with Halachic preparations. It is reported that while once only a handful of Jews would visit Har Habayis annually, in recent years there have been 10,000 annually, and the rav explains “this increase represents there is meaning to כיבוש under the humiliating circumstances created by the State instead of the Beis HaMikdash.”

The rav adds that visiting Kodesh HaKodoshim will lead to shouts of “Karess Karess” and this will result in more people distancing themselves from Har Habayis, referring to those who prepare themselves halachically before doing so.

Rabbi Ariel adds that in essence, there is no problem with anyone entering Kodesh HaKodoshim, even one who is impure, quoting:

בית הבחירה ז, כג: “בשעה שנכנסין הבנאים לבנות ולתקן בהיכל או להוציא משם את הטומאה, מצוה שיהיו הנכנסין כהנים תמימים, לא מצאו תמימים יכנסו בעלי מומין, ואם אין שם כהנים יכנסו לויים, לא מצאו לויים יכנסו ישראל. מצוה בטהורים, לא מצאו טהורים – יכנסו טמאים… שהטומאה דחויה בציבור”. כלומר, אפילו תיקון קל בהיכל דוחה את הטומאה, בודאי שכיבוש ההר מיד זרים דוחה את הטומאה”

“Therefore, it is preferable that there would be an organized visit once weekly including MKs and officers in Israel Police, and they would enter all the buildings on Har Habayis to avoid additional destruction and vandalism, including the Dome of the Rock” Rabbi Ariel adds.

Rabbi Ariel continues, explaining the Waqf Authority regularly carries out renovations and “it is only natural for the landlord to visit to see what is taking place to save that which is salvageable or at the very least to protest publically.”

Har Habayis organizations add that in line with the opinion of Rav Goren, quoting from Rav Goren’s sefer “Har Habayis”.

“אין ספק שבמקרה כזה, כאשר קיימת סכנה להשתלטות נוכרים על הר המוריה, מותר אפילו להיכנס לשטח העזרה, כדי לא לתת להם חניה בהר ה’, כי העליה של היהודים על ההר במצב זה נחשבת ככיבוש וחזקה ומניעת השתלטות זרים עליו.”

They then add a quote from the Chazon Ish to drive the point home, taken from his chiddushim at the end of Meseches Eruvin.

“נראה דכל שנכנס לצורך תיקון אינו כלל באיסור כניסה בטמא. שאיסור הכניסה כשהוא טמא, הוא מפני כבוד המקדש, ומראה שאינו נרתע מפני קדושתו. אבל כשנכנס לצורך תיקון אינו בכלל זה”.

It must be noted that according to the Poskei Hador one is absolutely forbidden to visit the Har Habayis, and there is an Issur Kares for one that goes there.

Fiveyears ago on Sukkos, President Shimon Peres paid a visit to the Sukka of Maran HaGaon Rav Elyashiv ZATZAL, where Rav Elyashiv called on the President to prevent Jews from visiting Har Habayis, stating it is an act that that is viewed as extremely provocative by the goyim. Maran stated everything possible must be done to avoid a religious war, and the provocateurs are playing with fire.

Maran is quoted as explaining to the president that Halacha forbids going onto Har Habayis but today, it is more than this, it is an act that may lead to a religious war and bloodshed.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Even if the halacha was on their side, which most gedolim would disagree on, it would be a bad idea. The Israelis are largely hilonim who regard orthodox Jews an an anachronistic nuisance, and would love to demonstrate that they have freed themselves from the yoke of Torah by cracking down on all orthodox Jews. This would give them an excuse to do so. Remember it is hiloni soldiers who would have to fight the war started by those who favor attacking the Muslims – and the hilonim already feel that religious Jews are either warmongers or shirkers (from warmongering, I didn’t claim they hilonim were consistent or logical, only that they are in power).

  2. First off a news site is supposed to be about delivering the News and not making opinions. The fact that you state ” that according to the Poskei Hador…” show’s the news bias and in your own personal decision to call who’m you favor as the “poskei Hador”
    Secondly, he passed away and his argument was only about “security” issue and not about Halachic issue, and how convenient for Peres to “suddenly” ask him on this, why doesn’t and didn’t he ask about keeping Shabbat or Kashrut (especially when he eat treif while being away in some other country) and such? This is all politics and not Halacha.

  3. The Poskey Hador include Rav Elyashiv, Rav Ovdya Yosef who wrote a 12 page teshuva detailing all the views of exactly where the bais hamikdosh was on the Har Habayis and he concludes that since there is no place where everyone agrees that there was no Bais Hamikdosh Rav Ovadya Yosef says NO ONE should go anywhere on the Har Hanayis. This is NOT politics, This is Halacha. Making the Chief Rabbi of Tzahal Goren into a posek who was on par with any of the gedolim who prohibited going on Har Habayis IS politics and ludicrous!

    If the Har Habayis was a piece of meat in question no Rov would allow it to be eaten! To walk on Har Habayis is irresponsible from a halachick and a political perspective.

  4. TzViD: “It must be noted that according to the Poskei Hador one is absolutely forbidden to visit the Har Habayis, and there is an Issur Kares for one that goes there.”
    “Maran is quoted as explaining to the president that Halacha forbids going onto Har Habayis but today, it is more than this, it is an act that may lead to a religious war and bloodshed.”

    It is clear from both these quotes that is was the opinion of “the poskei ha’dor” that it was not only an issue of security, but one of halachah as well. That having been said, preventing risks to life is also a halachic concern, and apparently these poskim did not see this as kibush, etc. I
    “in your own personal decision to call who’m you favor as the ‘poskei Hador’ ” At the end of the day it every p’sak from a posek of the generation may be considered a posek HaDor. The masses acaccepted Rav Elyashev.

  5. The only problem is that the Dome of the Rock is NOT the holy of holies! It is probably not even within the precincts of the Har Habayit.

  6. TzViD
    Show me one world renowned posek thak agrees with Mr Goren (Maran HaRav Shach writes that he is not worthy of the title Rav) and Mr Ariel.

  7. Further, Peres didn’t ask Harav Elyashiv for his opinion. The posek hador begged him as an act of hishtadlus to prevent this terrible situation from continuing.

  8. To No.6 (Aron Cahaim)

    You really don’t need to insult Rav Goren, Z’tl by invoking the name of Shach or attributing stuff to him that was never said). Goren was one of the great heroes of EY and his views were widely accepted. Today, big talmedei chachamim with great technical expertise on the matter like Rav Tendler, shlita, have said that its possible to go up to the kodesh ha’kdashim because we can measure exactly which areas are assur. Rabbonim will disgree on this and other matters. You can selectively invoke some who may agre with you but you show contempt for Shach and Elyashiv by engaging in abusive langauge about Rav Goren.

  9. Gadolhadorah,
    As always you denigrate kedoshei elyon and i wonder what on this site interests you and your ilk. Rav Shach’s letter on Mr Goren is well documented, it’s not hiding anywhere. Unfortunately i dont have a copy of michtavim umaamarim, but it is there.
    If you do give him a title Rav, why do you not give this title to the leader of this and the past generation of the Yeshiva World??

  10. Great article…. Yasher Koach! !
    Though whether or not we’ve entered into hilchos kibush is something that cannot be decided by ladies or individuals but only by rabbanim who actually go up regularly and are part of the process of halachic activity on Har habayis

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