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Poland and Rav Boruch Ber Leibowitz zt”l

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Sfas Tamim Foundation

The country of Poland had been swallowed up in three bites by Russia, Prussia, and teh Austro-Hungarian Empire.  After the third bite, or partition, it had completely disappeared from the years 1795 until 1918.  It literally did not exist for 123 years.

In 1918, on account of President Wilson, Poland  finally reappeared amid unprecedented pride of Polish nationalism. The same was true of Lithuania located to Poland’s north.  Eventually Poland and Lithuania became bitter enemies.

Rav Boruch Ber Liebowitz zt”l was the Rosh Yeshiva of the Kamenetz Yeshiva.  He was known as the leading student of Rav Chaim Soloveitchik and was known for his absolute devotion to emes.

Once, while trying to re-enter the newly reconstituted Poland from the newly reconstituted Lithuania, he was questioned at the border as to whether or not he was a citizen of the new Republic of Poland.  Although he could have easily told the nationalistic border officer that he was a citizen, he refused to do so.  He refused because it was not emes – the signet ring of Hashem.  Reb Boruch Ber responded to the question, “Officer, I am not a citizen.  But most of my students are Polish citizens and it is my greatest joy to teach them.  Won’t you please allow me in so that I can do that?”

The officer noted the absolute sincerity and integrity of Rav Boruch Ber zt”l and decided to allow him into the country.   When one is devoted to everyday emes in every aspect of life, miracles happen on a daily basis.

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