NY Will Seek $1.4B To Storm-Proof Power Grid

powerGov. Andrew Cuomo says the state will seek $1.4 billion from the federal government to harden its power grid against extreme weather.

Cuomo says in his budget presentation Tuesday this would involve elevating low-level substations, raising power lines and more tree trimming. It also would include an outage management system on Long Island, which suffered widespread service disruption during Superstorm Sandy.

Some of the money will go to developing so-called micro-grids that will serve individual communities. The micro-grids can keep power running when the main grid goes down.


One Response

  1. One thing they ought to do, which they don’t seem to think about, is redundancy on the grid. That is, when the big power lines are down in the mountains, the substations lose their power, and everybody loses their power. There are north-south and east-west big power lines. There should be redundancy so that if one set goes out, they can shovel power over from the redundant set. I am not talking about adding towers, at great expense. I am talking about engineering things so that when one tower is out, power can come from another tower. Extra wires, not extra towers. This is relatively inexpensive. The telephone companies have it, the internet has it, why not the power grid?

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