Prime Ministers Harper and Netanyahu Take Time Out With Chabad Rabbis

ccAmid the incessant stream of dinners, meetings and receptions during his first official visit to Israel, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper joined his Israeli counterpart, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for some private time with the delegation of Canadian Chabad rabbis who accompanied him on his trip.

Rabbi Yitzchok Wineberg, of Vancouver, B.C., took the opportunity to express his appreciation to Harper for his longstanding friendship with the Jewish community and staunch support of Israel. He reiterated how crucial it is for Israel to remain strong even in the face of external pressure to cede land in exchange for promises of peace.

Both premiers responded by telling the delegation of their admiration of Chabad’s work in Canada, Israel—and around the world.

Netanyahu fondly recalled the wisdom and holiness that he encountered in his interactions with the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—throughout the years.

In fact, during the state dinner that followed, Netanyahu retold the life-altering words that the Rebbe shared with him nearly 30 years ago, when Netanyahu was newly appointed as Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations. “You’ll be serving in a house of many lies,” the Rebbe said to him. “Remember, that even in the darkest place, the light of a single candle can be seen far and wide.”

As a token of appreciation, Wineberg presented Prime Minister Harper with a five-volume leather-bound set of Chumash with the Rebbe’s commentary published by Kehot Publication Society, in conjunction with Chabad of California. Rabbi Chaim Nochum Cunin, who directed the publication of the work, was on hand for the presentation.


One Response

  1. I am sick and tired by Chabad establishment’s duplicity and hypocrisy by alloying themselfs to be used by low-life like Bibi for his political purposes. Every time Bibi speaks about his encounters with the Rebbe he follows it with his bloody actions by destroying Jewish homes, releasing terrorists and promising further “painful concessions. He and all other Israeli “leaders” did not follow even one word of advice from the Rebbe. How long Chabad establishment will allow people like Bibi to drug Rebbe’s name through the dirt?

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