Yerushalayim: Growing Chilul Shabbos Likely to Spark Renewed Protests

charnThere is a growing number of stores in downtown Yerushalayim deciding to operate on Shabbos, many being new businesses. One veteran business that has joined the chilul Shabbos is Betzalel Café, which is located in a sensitive area, close to a chareidi area as well as town center.

The café was targeted by protesters about six years ago when the decision was last made to open on Shabbos, and many feel the bold move will spark renewed Shabbos protests in an effort to stop the alarming trend.

According to an article in Yediot Yerushalayim, the owners explain their decision, basically complying with requests from patrons to open on Shabbos. The owners are quoted expressing fears of renewed protests at the café, aware of this likely reality.

The “Rosh” Pub on Aza Street and Talbiah Bar are among those opening with the later being in the Shuk Machane Yehuda area.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I would like to report the following:

    First I live in Aza and I know of no stores or even restaurants open on shabbat. Yes there is a small non-Kosher cafe that closes shortly after Shkiya on Friday, but that is it.

    Secondly it is true that in the city center public expressions of Chilul Shabbat are on the rise. For the first time I can remember loud music is being played from a new non-Kosher bar at the Old Mashbir (King George and Ben Yehuda). It is very distressing.

  2. Every frum person should exercise his shopping choice, and give preference to Shomer shabbat establishments. Until it becomes fashionable to advertise “we are shomer shabbat”.
    Come to think of it, we should this in America also.

  3. Lets focus on our own shamiras shabbos and stop trying to impose our haskafah on others who clearly don’t share our values. The Betzalel cafe at Shmuel Hanagid is definitely outside the charedidi neigborhood, so not sure what they are upset about. We can try to show through our observance of shabbos how/why others should also become shomer shabbos. I’m not sure any non-observant yid is convinced to become shomer shabbos by some idiots in yeshivish or chassidish lvush throwing rocks through a window or burning a dumpester on shabbos.

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