Refuah Coaches, Helping People in the Torah Community Be More Effective

Refuah   Coaching in the Light of Torah  Refuah Institue  a solution for Jewish Orthodox Students who wish to pursue a career in Professional Psychology as a Professional Coach[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] Torah Jews have always strived to be more effectively fulfilling their
obligations.Wise individuals sought — and seek — expert assistance in this
process. Often, today, this assistance can take the form of coaching. The coaching process helps individuals evaluate where
they are, to clarify their goals, and to find ways to advance and improve their middos and skills. Coaching is used to increase
success in all aspects of family life, learning and business.

Enjoying the Process

We also have a Torah obligation to be happy, for instance — v’simachta
b’chagecha. Fulfilling the mitzvah to be happy does not always come naturally or easily. In order to better manage our emotions and our lives, modern coaching techniques offer valuable, useful solutions.

Coaching, a Skill and a Profession Easily Learned by Frum Jews

Frum Jews have a distinct advantage in learning to be skillful life coaches. After all,we have mitzvot such as, v’ahavtah l’rayechah kamochah, and we can learn from living and past role models whoexemplify these mitzvot — Gedolei Yisrael,Rebbes, and manehelos. However, today we often don’t have the benefit of enough close shimush of our role models. Fortunately, when a Jew is exposed to the science of coaching, the principles are not new or strange. In fact, many of the students of the
Refuah Institute are effectively coaching others only a few months into the course. The information students learn fits with what, as Jews, they already know.

Coaching Practiced by Gedolei Yisrael for Generations

The “new” techniques taught by all the best schools of coaching were in use by Gedolei Yisrael centuries before “coaching” became a formal profession. Jews have always consulted Manhigim, seeking guidance in all
aspects of their lives. The techniques and skills used by Manhigim include what are referred to in the coaching community as: establishing
rapport with empathic understanding; respect and loving care; a positive, solutionfocused approach; building on clients’ strengths and previous successes; restoring and rebuilding a client’s sense of competence and confidence. The coach helps clients discover their true goals and to find within themselves the courage and clarity to take the steps necessary to
accomplish their goals.

Distance Learning, a Great Way to Learn Coaching

Students of the Refuah Institute learn from home with live, fully interactive training, attending classes and practicums by conference call or video conference. Refuah’s programs are designed for those who have to balance a busy life of mitzvot,parnassah, learning and family. Students who are in Israel can join the classes on campus in Jerusalem. Both options work closely with Refuah staff and students.

Why has the Refuah Program Been So Successful?

Refuah Institute is a powerful example of the successful use of modern techniques and technology to teach Torah truth and values. By extracting the kosher aspects of psychology and coaching and translating them back into a Torah idiom, the Refuah Institute teaches skills that are extremely effective and that do not contradict the values of Torah Jewry.

The Secret of Refuah’s Success

What makes any organization a success are the people behind the name. Refuah’s faculty integrates Torah values and the science of modern coaching into their own lives. The dean and founder of the Refuah Institute is Dr. Joshua Ritchie. In addition to having semichah, Professor Ritchies professional experience includes years as a professor and medical practitioner, and of training students in the art and science of coaching, counseling and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Professor Ritchie’s coaching
methods blend his secular training and his close association with the Amshinover Rebbe, zt”l. As a ben bayis and shamash to the Rebbe, Professor Ritchie was privileged to spend over a thousand hours observing the methods employed by the Rebbe when counseling individuals in yechidus.

Who are the Refuah Students?

Refuah students possess training or life experience in such areas as education, the rabbinate, shadchanus, kiruv, marriage,parenting, organizational leadership, law,business and counseling. Graduates of the
one-year comprehensive training program receive a Certified Life Coach Diploma from the Refuah Institute and certification as a Professional Coach from the AAPC. Upon graduation, students use their training and credentials to advance their careers in a wide range of settings. Some graduates develop a private coaching practice, usually by telephone from home.

Program Begins Wednesday Evening, Feb. 19

The weekly classes begin February 19. If you believe coaching may be your calling, contact the Refuah Institute for more information about this exciting opportunity.Tel. 646-395-9613 (USA) or 972-2-5715112 (Israel). Email:[email protected]

5 Responses

  1. Do we find in shas or early rishonim any references to this concept of coaching. Or is this an outgrowth of the frum community’s failure to handle people properly and in an respectable manner?

  2. Talmidchochom: It says: Asei l’cha rav. This can be anyone who can guide another person, becomes familiar with their issues and can see things objectively in times when the person cannot.

  3. I was coaching people in the sense that Trust789 #2 comments above. A PhD in psychologist in my community noticed that I was coaching without my knowing it was coaching: eg: taking people under my wing, mashpiah; listening; helping them to clarify and get to heart of matters and recommend perhaps therapy etc….
    He opened a school under his PhD and I was his first graduate. It is a good parnassoh for me. I am married with four children. I work part time and am able to take care of our kids
    I enjoy what I do and yes, one needs to make sure that the course is a legit course and the like.
    Psychology Today is a good place to advertise as it is reputable and i have had some clientele from this site ….

  4. #1- Do we find any reference to Artscroll in shas or early rishonim or is the fact that so many people cannot learn a blatt gemara without it a failure in the frum community to teach kids to learn gemara?

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