The Big PA Poll – Over 2 Million Residents Questioned

abasThe daily Maariv carries the results of a major PA (Palestinian Authority) poll in which over 2 million residents were questioned.

The poll included Palestinians in the Arab world (no clarification as to what this means), including Yehuda, Shomron, and Gaza along with Israeli Arabs. The poll was conducted December 21-31, 2013.

Who is the most significant PA leader?

Abu Mazen 50%

Ismail Haniyeh 25%

Ramdan Abdullah Sheleah 10%

The Most Popular Organization

Fatah 45.5%

Hamas 27%

Islamic Jihad 10%

Who is Most Identified with Fatah?

Marwan Barghouti 75%

Abu Maher Raneim 40%

Nabil Shaath 20%

The Most Important Leader in Egypt

Abdel el-Fatah a-Sisi 23.1%

Mohamed Morsi 21.7%

Most Influential Arab Leader

Abdullah King of Saudi Arabia 24.7%

King Abdullah of Jordan 23.7%

Syrian President Bashar el-Assad 3%

Who Most Represents Hamas?

Mohammed Deif 69%

Most Influential Parliamentarian

Muhmad Dahlan 44.6%

Most Influential Among Israeli Arabs

Dr. Ahmed Tibi 70.4%

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The beginning and end are the most interesting. Who ever heard of taking a sample from 2,000,000? Sounds suspicious…and Ahmed Tibi is truly a fifty column in the Knesset!

  2. The poll is dubious for many reaons. It doesn’t involve sampling if it is of 2 million. More importantly, most Palestinians live in countries where there is a “right” answer and a “wrong” answer to political questions, and bad things happen if you don’t know the “right” answer (the infamous knock on the door in the middle of the night, etc.). People from such backgrounds always try to give the pollster the answer they think the pollster prefers, which is why when there are elections in the middle east (Israel included, since most Israelis are originally from such countries) the polls are often at variance from secret ballots.

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