NYPD Officers Beat 84-Year-Old Man Over Jaywalking

nypdrgNew York City police roughed up an elderly man who tried to cross a busy Upper West Side street without waiting for the “walk” sign, beating him so badly that he was bloodied, one witness said.

The witness — Ian King, a 24-year-old law student at Fordham — said the man, Kang Wong, 84, was beaten by a crowd of police after he misunderstood their directions and tried to walk away from a ticket, The Daily Mail reported.

The incident started when Mr. Wong tried to cross the street without first waiting for the walk signal, The Daily Mail said. A nearby officer approached him and tried to write him a ticket, calling out commands he didn’t seem to understand, Mr. King said. So Mr. Wong then tried to walk away — and that’s when officers went ballistic, the paper reported.


10 Responses

  1. went ballistic like the cop on Kings Highway on a Friday nite approximately 2 years ago, forcing a young Jewish man to write on Shabbos.

    What ended up happening to that cop on Kings Highway? & What shall happen to this cop on the Upper West Side?

  2. Jaywalking is a crime. The lights at the corners are for cars, the words beneath (WALK/DONT WALK) or the walking man or the red hand (stop signal) is for pedestrians. New Yorkers don’t take laws seriously. They’re there for your safety & protection not just for decoration. Teach your children that obeying the law is important no matter how unimportant it sounds to you. If they don’t obey ‘small’ laws they may c’v go on to break bigger laws. There are already too many Yidden in jail.

  3. Just today driving through boro Park Kensington and midwood I had to break hard at least 4 times. On 18th ave 50 / 51 guy ran across ran across the Avenue. 44th st Person crossed between 2 parked cars. E5 and ditmas woman and man tried crossing after the light turned green for me. The worst was 14 and 39, young girl on cell phone oblivious to her surroundings trying to cross with her brother.
    Some suggestions; make a separate light for pedestrian crossing like you have for turning lanes. Make it mandatory to wear a reflective belt at night especially when it rains.

  4. So this is the new Obama/DeBlasio, world order? Government knows best! You dumb taxpaying citizens are to stupid to take care of yourselves! We will enforce your safety by any means necessary!
    I thought Deblasio was going to end police brutality? Oh right, its a minority which has no power and wont riot, so we’ll flex some muscle over here! If the victim was a black, you know what would be happening now!

  5. Hello mr. Drugcommish, lets say that mr. Wong did a wrong thing by jaywalking and lets say we have to teach our children not to do it, but it still doesn’t mean that such a guy deserves to get beaten up so badly ,and dont make yourself crasy that because that doesn’t bring us to break bigger laws

  6. As a follow up to my previous comment:

    The NYPD had no right to beat an elderly person for committing this minor offense. But, do we really know what occurred? Did the officers have reason to believe that they were being threatened? Did they fear for their safety or the safety of those around them? Or where they a bunch of vilde chayas who misused their authority? Commissioner Bratton will have to sort things out.

    I know that Commissioner Bratton is a very capable leader and I hope that he will retrain at least half the NYPD Officers and fire the bad apples (which there are too many) while he’s at it.

  7. drugcommish in LA,

    Correct but that isn’t a reason for the cop to beat the g’henim out of the guy.

    Let me suggest you keep walking around your neighborhood with your eyes closed bec it’s ASSUR to open your eyes in LA.

  8. Mark Levin,

    By your comment I can see that you have never been to L.A.
    Come visit my neighborhood (Beverly / La Brea) especially on any Shabbos. Please don’t bring your winter overcoat because it’s not needed during any time of the year. You will see happy faces coming & going all Shabbos. Shtramels, Spudiks, Satmer, Lubavitch, Belz, Vizhnitz, Ger, Bianer, Kasho, every type of Chusid smiling at one another and greeting each other with “a gitten Shabbos”, even those who don’t know each other.There are an equal number (or greater number) of Litvish & Sefardim too. People look you in the face and smile. There are approximately 35 shuls within a 10 block radius. We didn’t get to this madreiga by keeping our eyes closed.

  9. NYC is a dangerous place to live, on one side there are the muggers and theives and murderers, in the middle there is the dangerous traffic, and on the other side there is a police force that seems to lack sensibility.

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