Poll: Governor Cuomo Enters Election Year With 48 Point Lead Over Potential GOP Challengers

cuomGovernor Andrew Cuomo is entering his reelection year beating two Republicans who have been mentioned as possible challengers by a whopping 48 point lead, according to a new Siena Research Institute poll released Monday. The poll found Governor Cuomo crushing Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino 67-19 percent and real estate mogul Donald Trump by a 70 to 22 percent margin.

Among Jewish voters, Gov. Cuomo beats Astorino 68-21 and Trump 72-21.

33% percent of Republicans said they would vote for Cuomo in a race against Astorino, while 38 percent of Republicans would back Cuomo against Trump.

A majority of 57 percent believe Gov. Cuomo deserves reelection in November, while one-third of voters surveyed said they prefer another candidate. More than two-thirds of Democrats support his re-election and 41 percent of Republicans said they would vote to re-elect the incumbent Democratic governor.

In upstate New York, voters are split, with 46 percent saying they would support Cuomo for re-election and 45 percent preferring someone else.

The Governor enjoys a 66 percent favorability rating among voters — the highest level in nearly a year. 54% approve the job he’s doing as Governor. Donald Trump’s favorability ratings are in tank – a negative 57/38.

Gov. Cuomo scored his highest favorability among black voters (78/13) and Jewish voters (74/19).

“Looking toward November, Cuomo currently crushes both Astorino, who’s unknown to three-quarters of voters, and Trump, who is viewed unfavorably by 57 percent of voters,” Siena pollster Steve Greenberg said. “Neither Trump nor Astorino garners the support of a majority of Republicans and both trail among independents by more than 40 points.”

“As he enters his re-election year, Cuomo is sitting pretty,” Greenberg said. “His favorability rating is the strongest it’s been since February. His job performance rating is the best it’s been since March. And more voters are prepared to re-elect him than at any time since last January.”

Read full crosstabs by Siena Research:

Siena Poll: January 2014 Crosstabs by robertharding22

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

One Response

  1. 1. Unless he screws up badly, a governor will usually win reelection.

    2. No Republican considering running has a state wide reputation except for Trump, and his reputation isn’t very good. A Republican has the opportunity to radically change the numbers once he is known (Astorino, as an example) on Long Island, in New York City and in upstate.

    3. If Trump runs in a primary, and loses, the winner will have loads of good publicity and momentum.

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