Tzohar Rabbonim Establishing a Moetzas Gedolei Torah

stavTzohar Rabbis head Rabbi David Stav announced on Sunday 18 Shevat 5774 that he is establishing a Moetzas Gedolei Torah for the nationwide organization. Senior rabbonim in the organization are going to oversee the process headed by Rabbi Oriel Genzal, the mora d’asra of Yishuv Revavah.

Behind the scenes meetings have been taken place in recent weeks and the announcement of the new rabbinical body is expected this week. Tzohar has not yet released the names of the rabbonim who will be serving on the new Torah council.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. This is actually momentous. For generations, the Religious Zionists have aspired to have a “state religion” in Israel, meaning that the government’s “Chief Rabbi” would be the “chief rabbi” of all Jews in Israel. The respect for the medinah was a core principle of the Dati Leumi. By establishing an independent, non-state rabbinate, they are finally realizing, as the hareidim have realized all along, the Medinat Yisrael is not an inherently Jewish state from an halachic perspective, and that religious Jews, even if they are ideologically zionist, are a minority that needs autonomy from state control. This is the ultimate admission that the hareidim have been right all along in rejecting the idea that the medinah has some sort of inherent kedushah.

  2. they well should – each eidah should have their own Daas Torah – we don’t all need to be the same – the beauty of yiddishkeit is in our diversity

  3. #3 Orthodox Jews in any country but Israel are free to get married by any Orthodox Rabbi that they choose. The Charedi world has the strangle hold on marriage and divorce and therefore thousands of Jews who would want to get married under an orthodox Rabbi, are now going to Cyprus. Tzohar Rabbis are trying to prevent this. I wonder who is pushing the State of Israel to being an inherently non halachic state?

  4. Do we really need ANOTHER rabbinical organization? The administrative costs and overhead associated with any one of these groups may not be great but I suspect no other religion has as many oversight groups, machers, askanim, leadership committee of machers and askanim, chairmen of chashuve modsos etc. Its not unlike every rebbele feeling the need to have his own shtieblach and some even their own yeshiva so they can add the title of rosh yeshiva to their resume….

  5. #5, it’s not a matter of pushing. Zionism is shmad and the State of Israel is, as a function of its very existence and its very reason for existence (which is to shmad Jews and to create a new Hebrew goy nation on the ashes, CH”V of Judaism), not Jewish.

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