VIDEO: Cruz – Obama’s Policies Worsen Income Inequality

ted cruzHere’s the relevant part of the transcript:

The essence of irresponsibility is seeing a harm, seeing the facts and refusing to act. What else do we know? We know that Obamacare is killing jobs all across the country. Indeed, Obamacare is the biggest job killer in this nation.

The U.S. Chamber of commerce has said of small businesses impacted by the employer mandate, one half of small businesses say they will either cut hours to reduce full-time employees or replace full-time employees with part-time workers to avoid the mandate.

24% say they reduced hiring to under 50 workers. The President has been talking about income inequality. This exacerbates income inequality, this is why the rich have gotten richer under president Obama but the people who are struggling, young people, Hispanics, single moms, people like my dad who 56 years ago washed dishes for 50 cents an hour as a teenaged immigrant. Those are the people laid off because of Obamacare.

Income inequality is increasing and, Mr. President, what have the Senate Majority Leader and Senate Democrats done to protect Americans from Obamacare? The answer is simple. Nothing.




One Response

  1. #1. Americans are idiots. Why? Just because someone says something doesn’t mean he’s going to keep his word.
    – there were also Jews that were stupid enough to vote for him a second term.

    #2. Jews are known as a stiffnecked people. Why? Because we don’t just listen to what people say and believe them, unless they have evidence to back themselves up (including that what they say fits the Torah’s outlook)

    #3. Senator Cruz message to us Jews is that we have to realize and must realize, that only Hashem’s salvation (מלכות בית דוד) will the system be fair. Democracy is not our solution or lifestyle [(כי הם חיינו) that’s for the Gentiles not for us.] Our true free lifestyle (בית חיינו) is the serving Hashem in the בית שלשי. We suffer in America in many different ways and Eretz Yisroel they suffer as well. Hashem is asking us, cry to us (kavei yochul), “When are you going to ask me to take you out of exile? When????!!!!! Do I need to cause more tragedies and calamities? My children, have you really gone blind to the degree that you have lost focus to what the end of exile is?! The gemara at the end of sotah says, “from the day Beis Hamikdosh was destroyed, there hasn’t been a day without its curse.” This mean until we have the Beis Hamikdosh standing again we will continue to have more and more tragedies!!! There is no חס ושלום! This what the gemara says. Klal Yisroel do SOMETHING, instead of NOTHING!!! Do be timid, stand up and be united not untied (rabbi Krohn said the vort of united and united)

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