Ben Shapiro vs. Rabbi Shmuel Bloom and a Lost Manuscript From Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

The Supreme Court ruling that reversed Roe versus Wade brought to light another philosophical debate.  The debate was between Ben Shapiro, a yarmulka-clad media personality and Rabbi Shmuel Bloom, a former vice president of Agudath Yisroel of America.

The debate could also be called, “Noah’s Ark versus Lighthouse.”  As the words imply, Noah’s Ark means – “let us forget about society, for now,and work rather on our own development.”  Lighthouse implies, “Let us share the moral beauties of our heritage to help shed light to others around us in a stormy and turbulent sea.”

Ben Shapiro, a graduate of YULA High School and UCLA, writes columns for Creators Syndicate, Newsweek, and hosts The Ben Shapiro Show, a daily political podcast and live radio show.


Ben Shapiro asked a pertinent question.  Why is he the only one that actively voiced the Torah opinion against abortion?  The verse in Genesis tells us, “one who spills blood within man – is culpable..”  How can we stand by idly while so many lives are being put to death?  Where were all of the other Torah organizations?  Why was orthodox Jewry not at the forefront of such a campaign?


Rabbi Shmuel Bloom, in an interview made on JFoundation, explained that Jews and Jewish organizations should not be out front on these issues.  Rabbi Bloom explained that being circumspect about our views has been instrumental in our survival throughout the nearly 2000 years of exile.  He enumerated the dangers involved in being so public.

Rabbi Bloom did, however, express one caveat.  He stated that when other factions of Judaism are actively falsifying the Torah’s view, then we do have an obligation to speak up and make the Torah view known.


The issue also has to do with parsing the views of various politicians. Do we look at the totality of a politician’s view or should we be concerned about just one issue – moral issues?   The Agudah view was that morality is certainly one factor to take into account.  But there are other issues too and those, taken together, should be the determining factors.  The underlying question is:  Where and how can we live hassle-free as Torah-observing Orthodox Jews?


Generally speaking, Agudath Israel is not associated with left-leaning views.  Senator Ted Kennedy, however, was just such a politician. Kennedy favored stricter gun control, he supported expansion of abortion rights, and also advocated strongly for a health care system wherein the government paid for everyone.

And yet, in 1982, Rabbi Moshe Sherer, the then-president of Agudath Israel of America, presented his organization’s Humanitarian Award to Kennedy for his role in the reunification of Jewish families from the Soviet bloc countries. While honoring him at the 1982 dinner, Rabbi Sherer actually presented the Senator with a mezuzah which the organization had originally planned to present to the late Sen. Robert Kennedy.  Many took issue with Agudah doing so at the time.

There is no question that Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt”l, disagreed with the view espoused by Rabbi Bloom on the JFoundation podcast.  Rav Miller, the former Mashgiach of Yeshiva Chaim Berlin and the Rabbi of the Young Israel of Rugby held strong views that we must actively protest lifestyles and other aspects of the decadent society around us and not compromise on such things just because we want to benefit financially like other communities or ethnicities.

Another question that may be particularly  pertinent to the State of Israel is how do we act now vis a vis the irreligious or gentiles around us?  Should we act as a lighthouse, so to speak, bringing the incredible moral values of our Holy Torah to others?  Or perhaps we should shut ourselves in our own cocoon, and give up on the world around us?  Should we be a Noah’s Ark and only care, for now, about our own development?


A friend of mine was a student at the Yeshiva of Staten Island when Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l was alive.  He related to me that when Rav Feinstein reviewed the weekly Torah portion, there were five years in a row when he wrote down his new thoughts in a notebook.

Later on, when the Drash Moshe was put together by a relative, some of the pieces began in the same way.  He suggested that there were key paragraphs involving the idea of Noah’s Ark versus Lighthouse that were inadvertently left out of the printed version of the Drash Moshe.  He showed me one such piece.

The piece essentially paraphrased a conversation between Yaakov Avinu to Pharoah as to why Yaakov Avinue wished for his children and his other descendants preferred to reside in Goshen and not where Yoseph had dwelled in the heart of the central seat of Egyptian government.

Yaakov Avinu’s message to Pharoah was, according to Rav Moseh Feinstein t”l, as follows:  When Yoseph my son was here in Mitzrayim, he was essentially alone.  He, therefore, acted as a lighthouse to others, influencing others to do the right thing and to behave morally.  Now, however, there is a Klal Yisroel, and we must first perfect ourselves before we can work on others.  Our own house must be shape so that we can ultimately fulfill our future destiny of bringing the teachings of Hashem to the world at large.

Rav Feinstein’s view zatzal, seems to have aligned more with the presentation of Rabbi Bloom then of Ben Shapiro.  However, it could also be argued that when it can also be done from afar, without the lighthouse affecting our own development – then we do not need to wait for the Messiah’s arrival in order to influence others.

A similar question arises as to whether we should be actively convincing the gentiles around us to observe the seven Noachide laws.  It is known that the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l had a different view than that of the leaders of Agudath Israel in this regard.

In the Rosh haShana davening we recite the words, ve’yaasu kulam agudah (no pun intended) achas laasos retzoncha b’laivav shalaim – And then [after the advent of moshiach] all of them (the nations of the world) will form one organization to fulfill Your Will with a complete heart.”

The author can be reached at [email protected]


11 Responses

  1. Why was orthodox Jewry not at the forefront of such a campaign?
    Exodus 21:22-23, a fetus is property of the father, NOT a life, until the forehead comes out (Oholos end of chapter 7) – this does not support abortion, or abortion rights, but DONT SAY ITS MURDER!

  2. 1) Ben Shapiro, a yarmulka-clad media personality – not an Askan
    2) Rabbi Shmuel Bloom, a former vice president of Agudath Yisroel of America – a major Askan.

    They are 2 totally different positions that require different approaches.

  3. “whether we should be actively convincing the gentiles around us to observe the seven Noachide laws. It is known that the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l had a different view than that of the leaders of Agudath Israel in this regard”

    Rambam rules halachically הלכות מלכים פ”ח ה”י:
    “Moshe commanded from the mouth of Hashem to compel/force all of the world’s inhabitants to accept the laws of B’nei Noach.”

    Nowadays, we spend much of our time around goyim. Is it okay to talk to goyim about business, sports, politics, etc., but when it comes to the obligation of teaching him about sheva mitzvos we get uncomfortable?

    BTW, comparing Agudath Israel to Noach’s Teiva is a very telling comparison. I think most medrashim and meforshim discuss Noach’s Teivah mentality in a negative light (especially compared Avraham who davened for anshei sedom and convinced the wayfarers of the existence of the Creator, as well as Moshe who davened for and helped those who served the Eigel Hazahav).
    (ראה סנהדרין קח, סע”א. ב”ר ל, ט. זהר נח סז, ב ואילך. ועוד. וראה לקוטי שיחות לכ”ק אדמו”ר מליובאוויטש חכ”ה ע’ 19 ואילך. ח”כ ע’ 13. חל”ה ע’ 15 ואילך. ועוד)

  4. Of course, this was originally written for today’s maskilim, not the Yeshiva world, but still:
    “Another question that may be particularly pertinent to the State of Israel is how do we act now vis a vis the irreligious or gentiles around us?”

    The Zionist State of Israel is, of course, all about Zionism, which is changing the Jewish people and religion from Torah-based to godless land-based. It is as anti-Jewish as anything.

    Obviously, then, this article is totally irrelevant to the State of Israel.

  5. Rabbi Hoffman shlit”a –
    You say that Ted Kennedy, “favored stricter gun control…and also advocated strongly for a health care system wherein the government paid for everyone…And yet, in 1982, Rabbi Moshe Sherer, the then-president of Agudath Israel of America, presented his organization’s Humanitarian Award to Kennedy.”
    This implies that gun control and universal health care are obviously anti-Torah causes. I am surprised at your conclusion.
    Whereas I would admit that hammering out the details of legislation in both those areas is fraught with complexity and that left-leaning dogmatic responses may come up short and be misguided, I would nonetheless suggest that both gun control and universal health care are matters very much in line with Torah values.
    May HKB”H grant our community and government officials the wisdom and tenacity to promote laws that protect and serve the vulnerable as well as powerful members of society.

  6. The Agudah officially came out with a statement in support of and praise of the recent Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade.

  7. The gemara way long before Roe v. Wade had a debate regarding: Ubber Yerech Immo (lit. is a fetus a mother’s limb).
    Guess who won? Hint: It wasn’t Wade.

    Many quote the famous Tosafos in Sanhedrin (57a), but practically all agree Bnei Noach obviously do not have the above rabbinic dispensation and are rather under the biblical one of (Gen.9:6):
    שֹׁפֵךְ֙ דַּ֣ם הָֽאָדָ֔ם בָּֽאָדָ֖ם דָּמ֣וֹ יִשָּׁפֵ֑ךְ
    (man within man = fetus. Ibid.)
    My understanding is a Gentile clinician who performs an abortion is liable for “Murder One” miDeoraysa, vs a Jewish would be liable for Chabala (bodily destruction) a d’Rabanan.
    Either way without taking anything else (like medical danger) into account, both scenarios are prohibited.

    So while Ben Shapiro is preaching mostly to gentile/world or even Jewish stage, he’s correct in making his arguments. However requesting rabbinical support risks hurting is cause once this two-tier system becomes evident.

  8. @Chaylev Halyah:
    Orthodox Jews do NOT (just) follow the bible (maybe you were talking about צדוקים?), we follow תורה שבעל פה.

    If a בן נח kills a fetus, it is considered murder, and he is executed מיתת בית דין (see Sandhedrin 57b. Also halachic ruling of the Rambam הלכות מלכים פ”ט ה”ד).
    [This also happens to be learned from the bible: בראשית ט, ו]

    The Mishna in Oholos is only about a Jew, and even there, the reason why we kill the baby is because the baby is considered a rodef, not just because he is “the property of the father.” Yet, his life is not considered to be on the same level as the mother’s life which is why we kill him, as apposed to if he already started coming out. (See Rambam’s ruling הלכות רוצח פ”א ה”ט. Shulchan Aruch חו”מ סי’ תכה ס”ב)

    What about the possuk that you mentioned from Exudos? Good question. This is discussed by all the poskim. Don’t turn something so complicated into a simple “Jews vs. Christians (l’hvadil)” argument.

  9. HaKatan, ke’shemo kein hu. Calling the state of Israel anti-Jewish puts you mi’chutzla’machaneh, like neturai karta and others

  10. There isn’t only one way all of us should take. Just like the Gemara says that only some can rely on Hashem to support them while they learn (Brachot 35B), the same concept is here. Most of us are not lighthouses.

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