NO TO NIOU: 10th Congressional District Candidate Endorses Boycotts Against Israel

Hans Pennink/AP.

Yuh-Line Niou, a far-left candidate running for the 10th Congressional District’s open seat, has endorsed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, including it in her official campaign platform.

Niou, who currently serves as a state assemblywoman representing Chinatown and the Lower East Side, said that she believes “in the right to protest as a fundamental tenet of western democracy, so I do support BDS.”

The assemblywoman, one of more than a dozen candidates vying for the seat, has gained some traction recently after winning the endorsement of the leftist Working Families Party.

Former Mayor Bill de Blasio, who is also seeking the Democratic nomination in the 10th District, slammed Niou for turning on Israel.

“The BDS movement does not recognize the right or need for Jewish statehood. That is unacceptable,” de Blasio tweeted. “I have always opposed BDS and will build a strong coalition within the Democratic Party to stop BDS from undermining Israel’s economic & physical security.”

Jay Jacobs, chairman of the State Democratic Party, also condemned Niou, saying her backing of BDS is “offensive and I condemn it… She should pull out her history book. Her position shows a lack of understanding of the region.”

Niou has been endorsed by quite a few liberal leftist elected officials.

Here are some:

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

19 Responses

  1. Wait a second, these endorsements are for her 2016 re-election for state senate, not for her 2022 run for congress. she did not come out in favor of bds until after the 2016 election. So the suggestion that Nadler, Stringer, etc endorse her notwithstanding her current position on bds is misleading.

  2. Yup, All 4 endorsements shown are “Jewish”. Supported by Getz, both Satmar, Friedlander, Greenfield, Ringel, etc etc self appointed “askanim”. Pheh.

  3. So thank you for showing us Jew hating Jews promoting “far left” for office.
    These Jew Hating Jews have always been spinless.
    So the question is who benefits from these Jew Hating Jews? The answer is the same people voted them in power and then have their shaitels and wifes and themselves beaten up in the streets of Brooklyn.
    So do you blame the Frumies to vote for these Jew Hating Jews? Answer is NO and they will continue to vote the same because they get Section 8 housing and WIC and promised benefits.
    This is useless conversation BDS means nothing to either parties accept a young Chinese woman who wants fresh new vote. Opps did I dear say woman. I am so sorry. SHE/HE/HE-SHE/THEM/THEY/IT……

  4. Jerkold Nastier…no surprise there. What do you expect from a leftist-fascist self-hating Jew. His allegiances like every democrat politician’s, rest only with whatever/whoever can provide them with the most control and power.

  5. Huh? NONE of the endorsements you include in the article are for NY-10. They’re all from her Assembly campaign two years ago. So what have they got to do with the story?

  6. Look at that! The typical liberal Jew is drifting further and further away, because that’s the way the wind is blowing on their alternative planet…

  7. Does is surprise anybody that all of the usual self-hating, left-wing, Jewish politicians lined up to support Yuh-Lying Niou. Even the Asian community doesn’t support her. I guess it’s true what they say about Chinese food being an addiction for the community.

  8. The ONLY 100% Pro Israel candidate in this #NY10 race is Brian Robinson @votebrian

    Brian Robinson is Jewish & attends Chabad in lower Manhattan.

    He fully Supports Israel / Yeshivas / Police.

    He shares our Frum values.

    Let’s IYH help him win.

  9. This YuhLine Niou lady is a Anti Israel, Police abolitionist, Radical socialist.

    Nobody in Borough Park is voting for this left woke insanity.

    Boro Park is going with Law & Order Public Safety Candidate for Congress NY-D10 Brian Robinson (@VoteBrian on Twitter)

    Brian Robinson is also Very Pro Yeshivas, Pro Israel & Anti Covid Mandates.

    Vote Brian Robinson @VoteBrian Twitter to represent Borough Park or else we will have a DSA, BDS radical.

    Spread the word.

  10. Nadler , Lander, Levine, Springer ETAL …the gang who are destroying the country !!! Yes I know I miss a whole bunch .

  11. The frum community needs a lot of Siyata Dishmaya. I got a call today from one of the surveys. He wanted to know who I would vote for in the 10th district. As he was talking I did a quick Google search. As of now there are 17 candidates running. In the survey I was only asked about the top 5 candidates. Bottom line each one of the Candidates claim to fame is how progressive they are or how they are against Trump. I was asked about this councilwoman her claim to fame is the endorsement of the workers Party. I would think some askanim have to wake up and figure out which one of these 17 candidates will cause the least damage to us. Right now I think our only choice is Deblosio at least with him we know he knows our community.

  12. Ms. Niou should focus her international agenda on Communist China that is constantly threatening Democratic Taiwan where she was born.

    Shame on these self hating Yidden that are endorsing her. Every single one of them needs to be kicked out on their next elections.

  13. she is Chinese, amazing, hailing from the world of the worse she is condemning Israel….gosh___may her day be as good and as bad as it gets

  14. Yuh Line Niou is a radical police abolitionist, She is pro crime, Anti Israel & what will be with our Borough Park Yeshivas?

    Because of this Boro Park is supporting someone that fully shares our values and views, Brian Robinson for Boro Park Congress.
    Search him up.

  15. YuhLine Niou who is a Assemblywoman voted to release all NYS Criminals from jail without bail.

    Let that sink in.
    She is the reason there is so much crime.

    Her opponent Brian Robinson Congress is the Law & Order police candidate for this election.

    Brian Robinson fully Supports Eretz Yisrael, Fully supports Yehudah & Shomron.

    The choice is clear whom to vote for.

  16. BH

    Community Wide Alert notice.

    There is a once in a generation opportunity for our community:

    The August Democratic Primary Elections for New York’s 10th Congressional District, which covers half of Borough Park.

    For the first time in many years, someone is running to represent us that actually shares all our values & concerns.

    Chevra. Meet Brian Robinson.

    Brian Robinson, a Jewish American father & husband residing in lower Manhattan.

    Brian Robinson, a proud Jew. Is a staunch supporter of Eretz Yisroel.

    Brian Robinson, if elected, will not only BEZ”H be voting on important safety matters in congress concerning Eretz Yisroel, but will be a leader in encouraging other moderate Democrats in Congress that may be undecided. To fully support Israel.

    Brian Robinson’s top #1 priority is Public Safety / Law & Order – Supporting the police.

    A NYC crime victim himself. Brian is set to introduce many new bills supporting the NYPD, Making Hate Crimes to be charged & prosecuted as a federal offense (instead of the current get out of NYC Jail free in 2 hours after being arrested for a hate crime) and will be personally putting pressure on the NYPD to Permanently increase the amount of police officers stationed to the Entire Boro Park.

    As Brian Robinson stated to a local Boro Park Askun, “You can either be Pro Crime Victim or Pro Criminal” There is No middle ground and No inbetween.
    I am Pro crime Victims rights, While all the other radical candidates running against me are all pro crime. They are Ignoring daily all the crime victims throughout this wonderful city.

    Brian Robinson shared his full Support for our dear Yeshivas & our Frum Education,
    He stated that he will do everything that he can to fight back in the war against our Yeshivas & will encourage fellow moderate Democrats in Congress & friends in the NYS Assembly to stop this insane obsession they have with attacking our beautiful Yeshivas.

    “If anything, the broken NY Public School system can & should learn a thing or two from Yeshivas, and implement those lessons in the public school system”, Robinson said.

    Regarding all COVID-19 Mandates, Brian Robinson expressed his horror over the Summer of 2020 when all the stores in his neighborhood of lower Manhattan were being looted and ransacked every night for an entire week.

    That very same week, former Mayor DeBlasio had the chutzpah to send in the NYC Sheriff- not to control the looting in Manhattan – but to directly target the frum owned stores of Boro Park with hefty Covid Summonses and illegal seizures.

    Robinson stated that he is against all Covid related mandates, and will vote against all mandates.

    Every person should have the right to choose if they want to or don’t want to wear a mask, if they want to or don’t want to get the covid vaccine.

    As Brian Robinson said, He is the only common sense candidate, while the other candidates running in this election are each more extreme radical socialites than the next.

    The 10th Congressional District – which Brian Robinson is running to represent – Covers the neighborhoods of Boro Park, Lower Manhattan, Downtown Brooklyn, Sunset Park & Park Slope.

    There is very strong support for Brian Robinson for Congress from dozens of organizations and different community groups from the general Downtown Brooklyn areas of Brooklyn Heights, Cobbile Hill, Carroll Gardens & Boerum Hill, Because these different areas of Downtown Brooklyn have sadly turned into a center of crime the past 2 years & there is lots of pushback from those downtown Brooklyn neighborhood local residents against all the Homeless Hotels/Shelters that the city placed since the start of Covid.

    In lower Manhattan near Chinatown & Sunset Park (Brooklyn’s Chinatown). since the recent uptick in hate crime attacks against the Asian population, there are large rallies supporting Brian Robinson for Congress, led by Asian activists, Asian residents & business owners alike.

    Boro Park Yidden, With Hashems help, we can send a Pro Israel, Pro Yeshiva, Law & Order, Anti Covid Mandate Representative for our Borough Park district to Congress.

    Let’s not miss this opportunity!

    Registration to Vote for this Primary Election is only open for a short period of time.

    Don’t delay! register now to vote online today!!!

    This election may very well be one of the most consequential elections for our boro park community in many years.

    This is our community & our home.

    We raise our kids here.

    We live here, Our Shuls, Yeshivas & Mosdos are here.

    We work here. We shop here.

    The impact of this Election will be felt in our schools, our homes & on our streets.

    For those of you that are sick & tired from the Liberal defund policy’s affecting us that our current Congressman supports, And if you would like to “Volunteer” for this Campaign, Then please Volunteer by Forwarding this message to ALL your WhatsApp Groups.

    A little known but well kept secret, LESS then 25% percent of our eligible Borough Park Community (the part that is included in this district & the part that’s not) is registered to vote, BEZ”H let’s try our best to change that.

    For Comments, Suggestions, Ideas, or BP Askunim Endorsements you can contact Congress #D10 candidate Brian Robinson & his Boro Park Team.

    May we be Zoche to Merit the coming of Moshiach Tzidkenu in Yerushalaim Ir Hakodesh with the Beis Hamikdosh Hashlishi with the Geulah Now.

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