Yishai Strengthens Ties with Residents of the Shomron

ysFormer Shas leader Eli Yishai on Tuesday, 13 Shevat 5774 traveled to the Shomron, escorted by Avi Roeh, the head of the Binyamin Regional Council. Yishai made stops in Ofra, Shilo and Eli, meeting with a number of officials, including Rosh Yeshivat Bnei David Rabbi Eli Sadan, who is viewed as the father of the mechinot yeshivot in Israel.

Yishai explained that he represents the majority of Shas voters, who feel very strongly about the residents of Yehuda and Shomron. When a talmid in Eli asked him to define his position on the yishuvim and settling the land, he responded there are some politicians who only express their positions when it comes to making headlines, but for him, his position is quite clear. He added “my view represents most Shas voters and you are them”.

Yishai also visited a facility for disabled children in Ofra and visited the site of where the Mishkan stood in Shilo.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Interesting,
    One impact that bayit yehudi had on the religious parties. For some reason shas is feeling that they need to deal with the settlers more. Its only logical. If you want to get the religious vote enough to be part of the coalition, Which in turn will get your agendas pushed through, you have to be there for all religious people. Sinas chinom no mater how good it feels at the time you do it, And no mater how extreme a minority of people can be, will only work against us.
    And yes unfortunately it comes from every side. I’m willing to bet that the vast majority of us are against it.

  2. However the religious nationists party in the Kenesset is Bayit Yehudi, which declared war on all hareidim and yeshivos. If Bayit Yehudi says “no” to the attacks on the hareidim, the war is over since Likud, Bayit Yehudi and the hareidi parties are a majority. The fact is that the settler movement has apparently attached a higher priority to attacking the hareidi yeshivos than they attach even to their own survival (i.e. the stand they take, in effect, is that they are willing to be expelled from the West Bank as long as the hareidi yeshivos get destroyed).

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