Bill Outlaws Shouts of ‘Nazi’: Eichler Questions What Happened to Freedom of Speech

charnIt was a stormy debate but the Knesset on Tuesday, 14 Shevat passed a bill’s preliminary reading that seeks to ban calling someone a Nazi. The bill prohibits the use of Nazi era symbols including the Yellow Star and concentration camp uniforms with the exception of education, historical documentation and museums. There were two bills voted upon; presented by The Movement MK Elazar Stern and Likud MK Shimon Ochayon.

MK (Labor) Shelly Yacimovich was among those opposing the law. She explained that while her parents survived the Nazis, she feels there is no need or place for such a law. She questions if police will not begin handing out fines for breaking such a law. MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Rav Yisrael Eichler was counted among the opponents, for he feels the law is intended to silences the masses by prohibiting people from expressing themselves.

Shas leader Aryeh Deri questioned why the Knesset must occupy itself with such a bill, suggesting proper education in place of the need to legislate such a law.

Meretz leader Zahava Gal-On questions the wisdom of the coalition and ministerial law committee, asking how such a law can be brought for a vote in 2014. She accuses the coalition of seeking to silence the voice of opposition and trampling basic freedom of speech rights.

Ochayon Bill: 44 MKs voted for the bill, 12 opposed it and 17 abstained.

Stern Bill: 44 MKs voted for the bill, 20 opposed it and 9 abstained.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. There is no excuse for belittling the memories of Holocaust survivors by throwing around words like Nazi and using Holocaust symbols over any gripe and stomachache. I was horrified when residents of Gush Katif put on yellow stars, even though I thought the expulsion was a terrible thing. There was no comparison between what happened in Gush Katif and the gas chambers. And there is no comparison between the mishtara and the Nazis. Deri is completely wrong. If a person is not a complete ignoramus, he can express his feelings clearly, without resorting to foul and/or offensive language. We are people of the Torah, “Deracheha darchei noam,” and can express ourselves respectably and respectfully even in difficult circumstances. Freedom of speech does not translate into causing others pain and suffering with needless, offensive speech; just as the right to bear arms does not give one permission to start shooting in a crowded subway car.

  2. No zalmen only a low life using that term would defend it. Even in USA where freedom of speech is constitutional there are limitations. Perhaps it’s time to crack down on those. Phonies that claim they are religious and slander every Jew. With there filthy mouths.

  3. There has never been “Freedom of Speech” in Israel. Not under the zionists, not under the Brits, not under the Turks. The Israelis have a wide range of speech they tolerate – compared to countries such as Egypt, Syria, or Iran. If you believe in western style freedom, you don’t want to live in Eretz Yisrael.

  4. I’d happily wear a Yellow Star protesting the zionist government even if the zionists put me in jail, much like the nazis did to Jews wearing Yellow Stars.

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