Baruch Marzel: Sharon Will be Remembered as a Traitor

Longtime Hebron resident and Kach activist Baruch Marzel comments on the petira of Ariel Sharon, explaining history will remember him as a traitor against his people. Marzel feels that contrary to public opinion, Sharon’s image presents a negative image regarding Eretz Yisrael.

Marzel reflects backs beyond Gush Katif, speaking of how he and others were expelled from Yamit, which was followed by Sharon’s second expulsion in Gush Katif and northern Shomron.

Marzel wanted to share a story that he never told before, explaining after they were expelled from Yamit the “Kahanists” vowed to hound Sharon everywhere he goes from that point out with shouts of “traitor”. Marzel stated he destroyed Yamit and he never knew peace following that. The left-wing hounded him on Lebanon, referring to Sabra and Shatila. Marzel explains “Sharon sent a number of messengers to me informing me he wishes to meet but I would not meet with the traitor.”

Marzel details how neighbors Hillel Horowitz, Noam Arnon and Ronen Cohen pressured him to meet with Sharon, but he would not. “Tell Sharon there is one thing that will persuade me” I told them, “tell him to publish a column in the newspaper expressing sorrow for his error, the expulsion of Jews from Yamit, and to promise never to repeat such a move.”

Marzel did meet with Sharon, explaining he finally accepted his terms. This was during a period that Marzel was under house arrest for three years and police were watching the home of Hillel Horowitz to protect Sharon. Marzel used a window to climb into Horowitz’s home for the meeting. He quotes Sharon as saying “I made a mistake by ousting the Jews from Yamit. How long will you continue to hound me? When will you stop?”

“I told him when you publish your error and promise never to do it again” Marzel explains, adding Sharon stated “I agree. You will hear from me.”

Marzel tells of a call received from Sharon a month later with a promise the column would appear in Maariv. Marzel then told Kach people to stop the harassment campaign. Sharon thanked him two months later for stopping the harassment campaign he adds.

Marzel concludes that harassment resumed for Sharon broke his promise and he also betrayed Am Yisrael a second time, and for this he will be remembered as a traitor for eternity.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. History will be the ultimate judge. Most Israelis and American Jews regard Sharon as a heroic general and political leader who was willing to take risks and go against public opinion if he believed it was in the long-term interests of EY. The withdrawals from Yamit an GK were necessary in his view to achieve peace. Today, Netanyahu is on the verge of giving back much of the West Bank under the two-state solution. Will Marzel also call Bibi a traitor?

  2. Baruch Mazel will be remembered as a Idiot and a person who mouth worked faster than his brain, as a person who possessed a simple mind and a quick tongue, as a person who managed to catch the headlines by saying what perhaps many felt should not be said in public.

  3. Sharon has plenty of company. Marzel is the embodiment of what remains of Kach, and for Kach it takes much less to qualify as a traitor. Slurring words in the bracha against malshinim suffices.

  4. Baruch Marzel is someone who sees everything in black and white. There is no question that some of what Sharon did was dead wrong – particularly the withdrawal from Gaza and the northern Shomron – but the man has to be judged on his whole body of work.

    The final judgment on his life’s deeds – for good and for bad – is now up to the ultimate Judge. It is now out of our hands.

    an Israeli Yid

  5. For the previous posters please don’t insult someone who you don’t even know his name. It is Rabbi Baruch Marzel. Secondly, please don’t go to Chevron Air Hakodesh for it is for Marzel and his hawkish chevra that we still lay claim to the city as a vast minority to our Arab friends.

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