Deri Finds a Willing Partner Among the Arab & Left-Wing Parties

deriSpeaking with ‘’ last week, Shas leader Aryeh Deri announced his party will support legislation from Arab and the left-wing Meretz parties for their support in return for Shas in the party’s battle against the new draft law containing penal consequences for chareidim. Deri stipulated that Shas’ support for their bills obviously does not include any bill which Shas feels will bring “catastrophic results”.

Deri has been meeting with MKs including opposition leader MK Yitzchak Herzog in the hope of mustering support for the chareidi position in the new draft law. Deri basically is working to establish a quid pro quo arrangement with opposition parties. He adds that “one should not be under any illusions. We are going to vote against the chareidi draft law but as Maran ZT”L instructed us, we must act to limit the damage as much as possible.”

Deri is planning to continue meeting with left-wing opposition MKs this week ahead of the new chareidi draft bill being voted upon in Knesset.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. Deri is known for doing anything and unfortunately everything for money. He was in the government during the horrendous Gaza pull out and stayed in the government in order to get money for the Sfardim and to personally stay out of jail.

    He is a person that the Sfardim should be ashamed of instead of looking up to as a ‘leader’.

  2. Remember that in economic matters, Shas always has been a “left wing” party (as are the Ashkenazi hareidim, both in America and Eretz Yisrael). Strong support for the welfare state and entitlements, not much talk of free markets or shrinking the size of government.

  3. Note that this puts serious pressure on the nationalist parties (particularly Bayit Yehudi,which is the linchpin of the move to conscript yeshiva students) to pull back from their demands to conscript yeshiva students (and religious women). The conscription crisis was brought on by “right”, which stands to forfeit its economic and security agendas if they continue their anti-yeshiva campaign – and Deri is betting they don’t hate Torah enough to return Israel to a left-wing path in economic and security matters.

  4. anIsraeliYid : Deri has very clear principles and priorities and has always acted in accordance with them.

    He is strongly committed to Torah and to the welfare of the Sefardi working class. Sympathy to the settlement movement is way down the list. If he could benefit learning Torah, and the welfare of his people, by supporting a hawkish security policy, he would do so.

  5. (as are the Ashkenazi hareidim, both in America and Eretz Yisrael

    Check the election results in Charedi/Religious Professional kehillos, the votes for Republican or anti-entitlement programs is on the rise and still rising with the Obamacare and Immigration Law to come.

  6. bklynmom: Note that Democrats routinely are elected even in Boro Park, and not only that, those Democrats are continually whining that the government isn’t spending enough on this pet program or that one (save a hospital, pay for school buses, begging for government funding of our institutions). Large numbers of frum Jews use programs such as CHIPS, Medicaid, WIC, food stamps, Medicare and Social Security (albeit less than secular Jews and goyim since much of our 65-80 year old generation largely died in the holocaust),etc. Also note that frum Jews in America tend to benefit from Obamacare (since many were uninsurable due to large family size and employment by other than major employers), and there are plenty of people in our community who definitely don’t want all illegal aliens rounded up (lots of overstayed tourist and student visas, many of whom are quite vulnerable).

    In America, we may be social conservatives, and hawks on foreign policy – but most frum people in America love government spending. We still see it as “their” money, not “our” money they are spending.

  7. #9 akuperma – You are correct that Mr. Deri has at least one principle. That principle is to do whatever is good for Aryeh Deri.

    I may or may not agree with other Shas reps, such as Eli Yishai, but at least I can deal with them. Deri, on the other hand, is a real piece of work whose word is totally worthless. The sooner he is out of any leadership position or position of authority, the better. He is a walking Chilul Hashem who does nothing but bring Bizayon on to Shomrei Torah u’Mitzvos.

    an Israeli Yid

  8. And here we have Akuperma commenting at 5:42, 9:02, 9:59 and 11:38 AM (and the day is far from over, folks).

    Wow! Your kollel is very generous with the amount of time they allow people who are supposed to be learning Torah to spend on the internet!

  9. anIsraeliYid: When has Mr. Deri ever betrayed either the interests of the Bnei Yeshiva or the interests of the Sefardi proletariat?

    The only argument I’ve ever heard saying he has betrayed either one came from the hilonim who claim that by promoting Torah over hilonios, he (and Shas in general) are hurting the Sefardim by denying them the “benefits” of being hiloni — I assume everyone on YWN would not see matters that way.

    That he does not support the nationalists is understandable, since an Israeli nationalism pursues policies that make war both permanent and inevitable, and such policies hurt the yeshivos (since they don’t participate in the war) and the Sefardim (who bear a disprportionate share of paying for the wars in blood and money).

    If he were to support the settlers, that would be a betrayal. It isn’t that Deri has betrayed you, but that he doesn’t support you to begin with.

  10. #12 akuperma – How about when he pushed out Eli Yishai, who ably represented Sefardic interests with dignity and was respected even by his opponents? I’d call putting self-interest ahead of the interests of your constituency a betrayal.

    As to when Deri betrayed me – as you correctly note, I am not a supporter, so he has not “betrayed” me – and I never claimed he did. What I DID say is that he has caused massive harm to Klal Yisrael, as well being a massive walking Chilul Hashem – and I firmly stand by those words.

    an Israeli Yid

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