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PHOTO: Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Chosid Stops By Knesset Where Ariel Sharon Lays In State


Among the thousands of people filing past the coffin of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, was this Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Chossid. The Chassidus is known to be vehemently anti-Zionist.

A special Knesset memorial will be held on Monday and then the levaya will begin, heading south to the late prime minister’s Sycamore Farm in the Negev.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

24 Responses

  1. I don’t like the way the article seems to be portraying this Chossid. I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume for the positive that he’s there, like everyone else, to pay his respects. Mr. Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Chossid, I thank you for doing your part to promote achdus at this time.

  2. is there a purpose to this article other than to provoke some sort of reaction. is this becoming like the ny post that looks to provoke sinas chinam or did i miss something?

  3. Sharron threw out thousands of Acheinu Bnei Yisroel from Gush Katif. This Chossid probaly wants to see אם לעוברי רצונו כך, עושי רצונו על אחת כמה וכמה!

  4. First of all I don’t think it’s appropriate to post an image of him, for Being Adam Lachaveiroi reasons.

    Second point, can anyone explain me why anyone can think badly of Sharon why he evacuated 7,000 residents, when the cost of maintaining it was 14,000 soldiers (10% of the military force, 2 for every resident) and several Billion dollars a year (several hundred thousand dollars a year per resident).

    I don’t think keeping a few Yishuvim increased the security of Israel, since all of Gaza is a few miles at its widest point, and all activity can be monitored from over Tue fence as much as if you have a few Yishuvim.

    I would appreciate a rational wxplenation

  5. Chabatzke says:
    January 12, 2014 at 11:46 am

    Sharron threw out thousands of Acheinu Bnei Yisroel from Gush Katif. This Chossid probaly wants to see אם לעוברי רצונו כך, עושי רצונו על אחת כמה וכמה!

    so why don’t the ultra orthdox join the army and protect communities like that

    funny complain about this but do nothing about it

  6. #1 Mark Levin – watch your language. You used a highly offensive term to refer to Israelis. You could have expressed your view without resorting to name-calling.

    an Israeli Yid

  7. 1. Didn’t Shas vote for the Gaza disengagement? The same nastiness you show fur Sharon you should also show for the leader of Shas.
    2. It seems pretty hypocritical to now complain about the nyp headline.

  8. Realistic100 –

    The Jews of Gush Katif were not expelled because of the cost of security and manpower – they were expelled in the name of ‘peace’. It was given away as part of a negotiation deal brokered by the US, and had nothing to do with cost or military resources.

    The failure of the expulsion is clear. Over 8,000 rockets have been fired into Israel from Gaza since the area was made ‘judenriden’ in 2005. The cost in lives and property damage, military responses, and the fear that the citizens have to live with was not a fair exchange for the land.

    Additionally, the Yidden who used to reside in Gush Katif are still obligated to pay the mortgages on their now destroyed homes, businesses, schools and synagogues. They lost their jobs, their homes, and were treated like nebach refugees, settled into caravans away from the thriving communities they would have preferred to live in. It has been eight years, and still only 65% have beenable to move into permanent housing – It is not easy resettling an entire family much less an entire community.

    Was anything really saved in money and military power? What was the real cost of the expulsion?

    Please go to Friends of Gush Katif and contribute generously to help get them back on their feet.

    May we see Moshiach speedily and in our days.

  9. I think it’s very interesting, just imagine you and your community living happily and because for security reasons they throw you all out, would you also talk that way? And btw who didn’t know that the same day the arabs Yemach Shemom entered they would throw rockets from there, Thats exactly what happened! And Shas voted for it simply becauseכי השוחד יעור עיני חכמים וגו’ everyone can guarantee that if would be Chareidim they wouldn’t vote for that. Nu does a Kupa Seruga make them Non-jewish ואף הם עתידין ליתן את הדין that was Mesura Mamish!

  10. I think it’s very interesting, just imagine you and your community living happily and because for security reasons they throw you all out, would you also talk that way? And btw who didn’t know that the same day the arabs Yemach Shemom entered they would throw rockets from there, Thats exactly what happened! And Shas voted for it simply becauseכי השוחד יעור עיני חכמים וגו’ everyone can guarantee that if would be Chareidim living in Gush Katif Shas wouldn’t vote for that. Nu does a Kupa Seruga make them Non-jewish ואף הם עתידין ליתן את הדין that was Mesura Mamish!

  11. call a spade a spade – YWN has an attention grabbing headline after a death of a Jew as did the NY Post.

    No different, each one wanted a reaction, one to sell papers and one to click and blog on their website.

    Not right or wrong just a way of doing business!

  12. As a Toldos Avraham Yitzchok chasid I am intrigued to figure out how you knew that this fellow is a Toldos Avraham Yitzchok chasid. he could just as well be from Toldos Aharon or a number of other kehilos that wear the same garb.

    Why do you seek to besmirch this beautiful kehila??? (This is not the first time)




  14. The Yid in the photo is not anywhere close to the dead body. He certainly is not there for kovod meis.

    He’s there for the same reason motorists rubber neck and pedestrians congregate to gaze at an accident scene.

  15. This chasid, of whatever “stripe”, is obviously just curious. Perhaps he happened to be passing through the area; he’s obviously not there for this Zionist (read anti-Torah) spectacle.

    As to the wreaths, this is classic Zionist nihye kiChol haGoyim. Simply classic.

    If one understands Zionism, one would more likely question if there were NOT a wreath.

  16. To Truthsharer (#12):

    Your alias belies your identity. No, Shas did NOT vote for the Disengagement. Actually, Shas voted AGAINST the Disengagement. Perhaps, you missed Rav Ovadia’s very public speech AGAINST the Disengagement. Please get your facts straight before pretending to publicize “the truth”.

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