Funeral Arrangements for Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

sharonThe Ministerial Committee on Symbols and Ceremonies, chaired by Culture and Sports Minister Limor Livnat, convened on motzei Shabbos Parshas Beshalach 5774, at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem, to discuss funeral arrangements for former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Attending the meeting were representatives of the Sharon family, Yisrael Maimon and Ilan Cohen, as well as representatives of the President’s Residence, the Knesset, the Defense Ministry, the Foreign Ministry, the Israel Police and other agencies.

The arrangements are as follows:

Sunday, 11 Shevat, the coffin will be brought to the Knesset. The public will be able to pay its respects until 18:00. All Knesset committee meetings scheduled for Sunday and Monday, 12-13 January 2014 are cancelled. There will be no arrival to Knesset by private vehicle.

On Monday, 12 Shevat, at 09:30, a state memorial ceremony will be held at the Knesset. President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein and family members will speak. Senior guests from – including US Vice President Joe Biden, Quartet representative and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, Czech Prime Minister Jiri Rusnok, Russian State Duma Chairman Sergey Naryshkin, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Spanish Home Affairs Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz, Canadian Citizenship and immigration Minister Chris Alexander and others – will also attend. Participation in the ceremony is by invitation only.

Following the ceremony, the funeral procession will for the Sycamore Farm by military convoy. The convoy will stop en route at Latrun for a special meeting of the IDF General Staff forum.

At 14:00, a military funeral will be held at the Sycamore Farm. The number of seats at the ceremony is limited and will be allocated by invitation only. The ceremony is open to the public; anyone planning to attend is asked to arrive early due to the expected traffic congestion and to follow all Israel Police directions.

There will be no arrival to Sycamore Farm by private vehicle. Parking and transportation will be available at Sapir College and Kibbutz Dorot. Members of the public are requested not to bring weapons to the events.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. You reveal the true source of your posting name…You can’t help yourself but to make some vile comments about the family’s decision about how they want to conduct the lavaya for the niftar. H

  2. That’s Zionism for you. Nihye kiChol HaAmim. The Zionists wouldn’t dream of giving Sharon a Jewish burial.

    This is, of course, because the Zionists have always wanted and continue to want to be just like the goyim.

    That is the essential and overriding purpose of Zionism: to turn the Jewish nation into a new Goy Hebrew nation.

    Even the Zionists’ idolatrous lust for Statehood, and at all costs, is secondary and, indeed, only a means, to that shmad, as Rav Chaim Brisker pointed out way before the State was even founded and his son the Brisker Rav reaffirmed in Yerushalayim after the State’s founding.

  3. “He was a hero, who dedicated his life to the survival of Am Yisrael.” am yisroel the ramban says is a term of gnai it refers to the ppl who dont do the rotzon hashem the term “bnei yisroel” is a shevach and they do the rotzon hashem you are dead on and were mechvein to the ramban he dedicated his life to the durvival am yisroel thus he is not a hero.

  4. #4- Reb Chaim’s grandson, Reb Yoshe Ber ZT”L, originally felt the same way. When the State of Israel was created in 1948 in the wake of the Holocaust, he changed his opinion and felt that the Medinah was a gift from HKB”H. B’kitzur, he believed (in retrospect) that both he and R’ Chaim were wrong.

  5. Yanky55, you write that Rabbi JB believed that his grandfather Rav Chaim was wrong?
    That would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

    First, no gadol is on record agreeing with Rabbi JB. In fact, gedolim such as Rav Aharon Kotler, vehemently disagreed.

    Second, Rabbi JB’s uncle and Rav Chaim’s son, the Brisker Rav, who lived in Eretz Yisrael before, during and after Israel’s War of Independence definitely agreed with his father, not Rabbi JB.

    With presents like that…

    The Brisker Rav himself wrote that if anyone cannot understand what happened in Eliyahu’s times with the mass infatuation with the idol Baal, one need only look at Zionism in his day.

    The Zionist shmad is front-and-center on display in the news almost daily, not to mention the violation of the gimmel shevuos and its attendant danger, CH”V. Yet people still hold on to the idolatry of Zionism.

    Ad masai atem pochasim al shtei haSiifim?

  6. If the State of Israel were at all a “Jewish” state (inasmuch as this is an impossibility in galus due to the 3 shevuos), they would leave the funeral arrangements to their Chief Rabbinate (and Sharon would, therefore, be buried no later than Sunday night).

    Instead, the Zionists, true to form, imitate the nations and their ways with this political funeral so that the Zionists can grovel to the nations (like the “galut Jew” they so deride as they look in the mirror) about how they, the Zionists, are just like the nations since they even hold political funerals the same way as the nations with zero regard for the Torah which, of course, they abhor and wish to CH”V replace.

    Yet so many people still don’t understand that Zionism and its primary aim is shmad. Worse still, some go so far as to make Zionism part of their “Orthodox” faith, which Rav Elchonon HY”D called idolatry mixed with religion.
    And the goyim persist in, unfortunately, referring to Israel as “the Jewish State”.

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