US Names Militants Involved in Benghazi Attack

bgaThe Obama administration for the first time is identifying specific groups as being involved in the attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The State Department is issuing terrorist designations for three militants and three extremist groups, including two it says were involved in the 2012 attack.

The department is designating the Darnah and Benghazi branches of Ansar al-Sharia in Libya and a third branch in Tunisia as foreign terrorist organizations.

It also designated militants including Sufian bin Qumu, leader of the Darnah branch released from Guantanamo Bay in 2007. He and two others are specially designated as global terrorists, barring anyone from supporting them.


2 Responses

  1. Why doesn’t he also announce which Americans were there then? He has sworn everyone to secrecy that was there that night and at that time, so they won’t talk to anyone, (specifically republicans). He’s afraid they’ll say how they begged for help and he ignored them and let those Americans die. That sounds a lot worse than causing a traffic jam. But we musn’t mention that.

  2. “he ignored them and let those Americans die”

    Only ignoramuses can say that. The closest US Army units were in northern Italy, seven hours away via helicopter, and the closest US Marine units were even further away, in Germany. A rescue mission would have required multiple in-flight refuelings. It would have required the soldiers avoid getting shot down by the Libyans, land safely outside the city, make their way to the CIA compound at night through a city for which they had no maps and no knowledge of the alphabet used for the street signs. And this assumes that the US Army even knew of the existence and the location of the CIA compound; the CIA usually doesn’t tell the military these kinds of things. Far more that four Americans would have died in such an operation.

    Ronald Reagan took ten days to respond to Ghadafi’s attack on the Berlin nightclub, and even then only with an air strike — it took that long to plan such an operation. Fortunately we have sane people in charge in Washington and not people with the shoot from the hip attitude displayed by this commenter and most Republicans today. Heaven help the US if those folks ever get back in charge.

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