BREAKING: Missing Teen, Caleb Jacoby Has Been Found!


As per the Brookline, MA Police Department, 16-year-old Caleb Jacoby has Boruch hashem been found in New York City. He is reportedly “safe and well”. Caleb went missing from Brookline on Monday.

Jeff Jacoby just tweeted out: Words can’t express our gratitude for the extraordinary outpouring of kindness and support that we have received from so many people.

Jacoby, 16, of Brookline, had been missing since 12:30 p.m. on Monday. He is an 11th grader at the Maimonides School, a Jewish day school in Brookline. Jacoby is the son of Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby. His disappearance had sparked a large community response, with more than 200 volunteers searching for himthroughout the Boston area.

Untitled2The Brookline Police announced via twitter just before 9 p.m., “Caleb Jacoby has been found. Safe and well.” The police said more information will follow as details become available.

They released a statement on their blog:

The Brookline Police Department is happy to report 16 year old, Caleb Jacoby, reported missing since January 6th, and has been found. The Brookline Police, working with many other agencies over the past few days were able to provide information to the New York City Police Department that Caleb Jacoby may be in the area of Times Square. Based upon this information at approximately 9PM New York City Police informed us they had located Caleb and he was safe and sound. Plans are now being formulated to transport Caleb back home. Thanks to all agencies that helped in this investigation. Also thanks to all those who took to social media to help get the story out.


21 Responses

  1. This brought together Jews from across the globe of all denominations. We can learn from this that we are all one family and improve our relations among ourselves by showing the same compassion toward one another that was shown in this matter.

  2. B”H. Let us all focus as Yidden to seek and find the good in everything we see and do. The glass needs to be half full. See how much synergy when we band together, mi ke’amcho yisroel?
    שבת שלום לכולם

  3. The achdus expressed in trying to find Caleb is truly touching and something to be proud of. When it comes down to it we are all one big loving family.

  4. Maybe he was never lost to begin with – I mean just because YOU don’t know where he is doesn’t mean he’s lost. He seems to be pretty mentally stable to me. Maybe he just wanted to get away from home for a few days…


  6. Does anyone else feel that Hashem keeps sending things that ultimately bring us closer to each other? Recently, the storm in Israel brought unbelievable Achdut. It feels like preparation for us to get along (and deserve Mashiach). Our own infighting and judging /boxing people into groups is not healthy or safe for us as a nation. Hashem keeps sending these events, bringing unity despite our differences.

  7. We are not entitled to some sort of explanation and we don’t deserve some sort of explanation you say thank Gd he’s OK and get on with it. Let the family deal with what they need to deal with. Its not about you it’s about Caleb.

  8. to mommy11 (COMMENT 1
    Yes we are entitled to some sort of explanation!!!! If there is nothing mentally wrong with him , then you don’t cause so many people inconveniences and costs for searches!!! WHY DON’T YOU EXPLAIN WHY HE DIDN’T GET IN TOUCH WITH ANYONE AND LET THEM KNOW HIS WHEREABOUTS????????

  9. SMFG3,

    Are we due an explanation from YOU when you or your kid leave the house without a clear explanation of where you were going? Are we due an explanation in public from you for each and every time you are ch”v nichshal? The answer is NO!!!

    This is between him, his parents, his rebbeim, and perhaps law enforcement. This has NOTHING to do with you, the yenta SMFG3!!!

  10. To SMFG3: You absolutely have NO RIGHT to get this information. Have you ever heard of HIPPA?? He obviously had “something” going on which is NONE of YOUR business.

    Unless you’re HIS medical provider, don’t even go there.

    What we all know you ARE, is a yenta who probably didn’t invest a penny of your own money nor a second of your own time, yet you stand there accusing the family of having “caused so many people inconveniences and costs for searching”.

    For all those of us who DID spend time searching, tweeting, staying in touch with BPD, etc, we know he is in good hands now and don’t really care about the rest.

    Grow Up!!!

  11. SMFG3:
    You are owed nothing. If you cannot help another Yid in need without “demanding” a full accounting of his private life after, then please don’t help. Whatever the story, the family has a lot more important issues to deal with now than to satisfy your grossly insensitive demands to satisfy your curiosity.
    May you never suffer any crises and then have others “demand” of you an accounting to then judge you whether in their minds you were worth their effort.

  12. No, the oylam is not owed any explanation. The oylam did what it was supposed to do – daven for his safe return and help with the search. It is now time for the young man and his family to deal with whatever issues they must. Without input – well intentioned or otherwise – from the oylam.

  13. SMFG3 – it is not your business. if you feel you need or want to do something for someone and are entitled to get something/information back then do the family a favor and don’t help them in the first place. If it is to inconvenient for you, i think the family would rather you not help. We need to learn to help people just to help and get nothing in return…..have rachmanos.

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