74 Days Since Chareidi Teen’s Disappearance, Police Have No Leads

Israel Dog Unit PR

It’s been 74 days since Avraham Moshe Kleinerman, 16, of Modiin Illit, has been missing and the police say that no progress has been made in his case.

“We have no leads of where he is,” admitted Lieutenant Alon Kalfon, the commander of the Modiin Ilit precinct, in an interview with Reshet Bet on Wednesday morning.

“Moishe left his home and went to an event at Meron together with a Rav he’s close to,” Kalfon said. “He was missing for a few days before his parents contacted us. He was last seen leaving the tzion in Meron to do hisbodedus in a stream nearby. There have been no new updates on his whereabouts.”

“There are quite a few theories about his fate, some of which are not very optimistic. There are ongoing searches including a search that took place yesterday by special units and experts for locating missing persons.”

Kalfon added that a number of searches have taken place since Avraham Moshe’s disappearance, with the participation of many forces, including experts in locating missing persons.

B’Chadrei Chareidim spoke with Avraham Moshe’s mother, who said: “People call all the time who think they saw him. We jump at every call or knock at the door. We can’t leave the house. It’s a terrible feeling of not knowing.”

Chareidi reporter Ariel Elharar has been publishing a photo of Avraham Moshe every day on his social media accounts in order to draw attention to the case. On Wednesday he wrote: “Every morning I receive a phone call from the family: ‘Ariel, please don’t forget to share that our Moishe is still missing.'”

“Every morning my heart breaks,” Elharar continued. “Every morning, to think that there’s a family in the country that can’t sleep and can’t function, every morning to realize that the State isn’t doing anything and isn’t turning over every stone to to find him.”

(YWN Israel Desk โ€“ Jerusalem)

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