RNC Starts Negative Ads in 40 Media Markets

rncThe Republican National Committee began running ads in 40 media markets Tuesday, mostly targeting incumbent senators who supported President Barack Obama’s health care program. Billionaire former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, meanwhile, gave $2.5 million to help Democrats defend their majority in the Senate.

The early action suggests heavy spending will be the norm in the 2014 elections, and Republicans see the president’s signature domestic achievement as their way to keep control of the House and perhaps win the Senate. With more than 300 days remaining before Election Day, both sides are looking to set the agenda before voters start paying attention.

“Obamacare is going to be the issue in 2014,” RNC chairman Reince Priebus told reporters, signaling the central committee’s main message heading into this election year.

Specifically, the RNC ads in 12 states remind voters that President Barack Obama and his allies promised Americans that if they liked their insurance, they could keep it. That promise proved inaccurate as millions of Americans were told their policies didn’t meet the national health law’s minimum standards and were instructed to buy new — and better but often more expensive — health plans.

The radio ads will target Sens. Mark Begich of Alaska, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Mark Udall of Colorado, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Jeff Merkley of Oregon and Mark Warner of Virginia. Reps. Bruce Braley of Iowa, Gary Peters of Michigan, Tim Bishop of New York and Nick Rahall of West Virginia also are facing the messages.

The ads will run in English in all states. A Spanish-language version will run in Colorado and Virginia, where a Korean version will also run. A Vietnamese version will run in Louisiana.

“The law stinks, and it’s a disaster,” Priebus said of the health care law. “It’s not possible for this not to be the No. 1 issue in the 2014 elections.”

The RNC would not release how much money it is spending on the ads, which are running only for two days. Priebus said it was an early signal of the rhetoric the RNC would use but serious ad spending wouldn’t come until later in the year.

Even so, the message was clear that supporters of the health care law would face strong criticism.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg’s donation to the Senate Majority PAC, first reported by Politico, would help defend those Democrats. The political independent left office last week after 12 years and seems eager to have his hand in races nationwide.

Last year, Bloomberg spent millions to help Terry McAuliffe capture the governor’s office in Virginia and to criticize lawmakers who didn’t support tighter federal laws on guns. He also has lined up to support lawmakers from both parties who have pro-environment positions.

Former aides to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., run the super PAC. The group already is running ads to back Hagan and Landrieu, two of the Democrats’ most endangered incumbents.

Bloomberg’s $2.5 million donation nears the $3 million the committee reported on its most recent fundraising report, which covered January through part of July 2013.

Democrats will be defending 21 seats. The current balance of power in the Senate is 45 Republicans, 53 Democrats and two independents who caucus with the Democrats. Republicans need a net gain of six seats to wrest control of the Senate from the Democrats.


One Response

  1. Since when is pointing out a senators vote that helped pass a terrible law negative. Should these democrats be held responsible for there vote and never reding the bill and yes it was a democratic bill no republican voted for it

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