WATCH IT: Likud MK Slams Lieberman: “Most Hypocritical & Ungrateful Politician Who Exists”

Likud MK Dudi Amsalem on Tuesday blasted Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman in the Knesset plenum for his comments on Monday against limmud Torah and Chareidim.

“Lieberman says that kollel isn’t limmud Torah,” Amsalem said. “Since when does Lieberman know what Torah is?”

“You immigrated from Moldova with nothing. Who helped you? The Chareidim. So what did you do to them? You said they should be thrown in the garbage dump. That’s your trademark style of ungratefulness and hypocrisy.”

“Mr. Lieberman, I want to remind you – there wasn’t a Rebbe that you didn’t flatter, there wasn’t a tisch that you didn’t participate in, gefilte fish that you didn’t eat. But suddenly the Chareidim are the ‘enemies of the nation.’ What lowly behavior you’ve resorted to. You should be embarrassed.”

Amsalem was referring to the past, when Lieberman was buddy-buddy with the Chareidi politicians and channeled his hatred and vile rhetoric toward the Arabs. Somewhere along the way, he began attacking Chareidim and now sits in a coalition with Arabs and grants them billions of shekels.

Based on the video of the speech, UTJ MKs Moshe Gafni and Yitzchak Pindrus seemed to have greatly enjoyed it.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. He is . Ribnitzer rebbe ztl was his mohel. Lieberman name and mothers name was posted a while ago on the rebbes tziyun people should Daven that he do teshuva

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