R’ Chaim Instructs Divorced Man to Remain in Israel for a Shidduch

KanievskyA well known chareidi businessman visited HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita accompanied by his son, seeking a bracha from the rav for his son. The man explained they were traveling abroad in the hope of finding a shidduch for his son, who is divorced. Rav Chaim told him not to travel abroad but to remain in Israel and find a shidduch here, Kikar Shabbos reports.

The father explained to the rav that he is pained, for his son is older and has been divorced for a number of years and he has not been successful finding a shidduch in Israel. Therefore, they have decided to buy tickets to travel to the United States in the hope of finding a suitable shidduch there.

Rav Kanievsky thought for a brief period and then instructed father and son to try here again. The dad explained they already have the tickets in hand. The rav remained firm in his decision, adding in the zechus of remaining in Eretz Yisrael a shidduch will be found soon.

The story ends as one would expect. An exemplary shidduch was offered the following week and the couple was married this week. The chosson and kallah along with their families visited with Rav Chaim to close the circle with the gadol hador and a plate was broken in his home.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Beautiful story. The danger of reporting such stories, however, is they insinuate that the outcome justified the Rav’s advice. It’s nice-but not necessarily correct, to assume the reason the Rav advised them to stay in Israel was that there they would find a shidduch while there may in fact have been another or other reasons behind the Rav’s advice. Even if there weren’t, one might choose to follow the advice of Gedolei Yisroel even if in his previous experiences the results of doing so were not as he would have wished, while the message stories such as these might convey is that we follow the advice of Gedolei Yisroel because it leads to the results that we want to see.

  2. Re: #5 Yeshly says: The danger of reporting such stories,is…one MIGHT CHOOSE to follow the advice of Gedolei Yisroel even if in his previous experiences the results of doing so were not as he would have wished…

    I hope That The words “MIGHT CHOOSE” were just a typo eror on the part of the writer and were meant to have been read “MUST CHOOSE” to follow the advice of gedolei yisroel even if..
    As there is a mitzvah in the Torah to seek and heed the advic of the gedolim of your time and follow thier advice EVEN if it seems to you to be against all sense and logic,
    the writer, if indeed this was his intention, is definitely correct in pointing out the danger of assuming that only if one has seen, what seems to be, positive results from seeking and following the advice of gedolim must he continue to do so.
    Acting otherwise would be just as if someone would say “I have had negative experiences from buying & eating only kosher products, so I will hereby cease to buy only kosher products and begin following my own ideas to what I should eat and what I should not.

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