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Deri Drops in Popularity Big Time

deriA poll commissioned by Channel 2 News released on Sunday, 4 Shevat 5774 by Dr. Mina Tzemach polled the public to determine the outcome of elections if they were held today.

Speaking to Mordechai Lavi of Kol Berama Radio on Monday, Dr. Tzemach explained the significance of the poll. She admits the poll shows a definite advantage among Shas voters for Eli Yishai, but points out that only 40 Shas supporters agreed to take part in the poll. Statistically speaking she explains this is an indication perhaps but not conclusive.

Who do you favor to head Shas, Eli Yishai or Aryeh Deri?

Deri 25%

Yishai 50%

The poll shows that despite the petira of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L, Shas would earn 10 seats, only dropping one Knesset mandate from today’s 11.

Who is most suited to be prime minister?

Binyamin Netanyahu 30%

Yitzchak Herzog 11% (Labor party leader)

Tzipi Livni 7% (The Movement party leader)

Avigdor Lieberman 6% (Yisrael Beitenu party leader)

Naftali Bennett 6% (Bayit Yehudi party leader)

Yair Lapid 5% (Yesh Atid party leader)

Undecided 35%

Dr. Tzemach explains that while Netanyahu leads, 30% for a prime minister is nothing to get excited about. She adds that more poignant is the fact that with six candidates to select from, three from the left and three right-wing, 35% remain undecided.

Likud would increase to 33 seats from today’s 31 and Yesh Atid would drop from 19 to 14 seats. These are the most significant results of the poll.

The parties

Likud/Beitenu 33 (31)

Labor 16 (15)

Yesh Atid 14 (19)

Beit Yehudi 12 (11)

Shas 10 (11)

Meretz 7 (6)

The Movement 7 (6)

Yahadut Hatorah 7 (7)

Hadash 4 (4)

Ra’am-Ta’al 4 (4)

NDA (Balad) 3 (3)

Kadima 2 (2)

Otzma Yisrael 0 (2)

Are you pleased with the current government’s handling of affairs?

65% not pleased

27% pleased

Respondents were then asked to vote based on the premise that former popular Likud Minister of communications Moshe Kahlon runs with his own party.

Likud/Beitenu 30

Labor 16

Yesh Atid 12

Kahlon 10

Bayit Yehudi 10
Shas 9

It was Kahlon who broke the monopoly of the cell phone companies and has been outspoken to support the middle class and against the government’s policies that favor the big wage earners.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The numbers polled are too small given Israel’s system of proportional representation under which a shift of one or two percent for a small party is the difference between tremendous victory or total disaster. Also there questions about “how do you favor for prime minister” are irrelevant since in Israel one votes for a party, not a candidate. Its an American style poll for a non-American political system.

  2. His doom was pretty predictable by his behavior during the week of shiva/levaya of Maran. There was such a disregard to Yishai then that when people got to themselves and realized what is happening they became turned off. Deri did a lot of self promotion during the levaya and after; he sought the opportunity to let everyone know that he’s the one that will lead the party.

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