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Growing Momentum of Illegals in Israel Seeking Asylum

sudanese refugees.jpgAs many as 20,000 illegals took part in a Sunday protest at Rabin Square demanding political asylum from Israel. The illegals today are residents of southern Tel Aviv, numbering over 50,000. The overwhelming majority of these asylum seekers come from Sudan and Eritrea. There are well aware that in Israel today, the misguided and assimilated left-wing will champion their effort to remain in Israel and receive legal status.

Protests are taking place on Monday 6 Shevat 5774 as well, as thousands gathered outside the Tel Aviv Embassies of the United States, Canada, France, Italy and Britain, seeking to make their case based on humanitarian grounds. At the US Embassy protesters handed a letter to diplomatic officials calling for US involvement in solving the humanitarian crisis that has resulted from Israel’s ignoring their plight.

The Israeli left has already launched “Freedom4Refugees”, which is undertaken the struggle for the same people who have brought violent crime to Tel Aviv, overrunning the southern area of the city. Nevertheless, they are now being portrayed as underprivileged and the left is seeking to make this Israel’s problem, demanding that they be removed from detention centers and given legal status and permission to work.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said “the protests will not help” as he remains determined to send them back to the countries of origin and rid Israel of their presence.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Go Netanyahu , stick to your guns!!!! And please don’t buckle after their brother aka USA president starts applying pressure. If u need to accommodate BIG brother then settle on directing them to the USA. And perhaps even offer to absorb the fight expense!!!

  2. Israel probably should consider welcoming refugees from oppressive Muslim regimes, especially Christians – but most of these are Muslims fleeing civils wars not based on religion.

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