Greenfield to Attend Sentencing of David Flores after Requesting Maximum in Connection with Shooting of Shomrim Volunteers

shoCouncilman David G. Greenfield will attend the sentencing tomorrow morning of David Flores in Brooklyn Supreme Court after formally requesting that Judge Dineen Riviezzo issue Flores the maximum of 15 years in prison in connection with the 2010 shooting of four Shomrim safety patrol members. Flores was convicted on November 27 of illegal gun possession for shooting the unarmed volunteers while they were investigating a complaint of Flores exposing himself to neighborhood children. In a letter sent last week to Judge Riviezzo, Councilman Greenfield implored her to issue the maximum 15-year sentence to send a clear message that carrying and using an illegal gun in New York City will result in a prison term.

“This individual chose to carry an illegal weapon and then fire it several times on a crowded street, striking four volunteer patrol members and endangering countless other innocent bystanders. I do not agree with the jury’s decision to find him not-guilty of other charges. With that said, the jury agreed with all law-abiding New Yorkers in ruling that we cannot have criminals carrying guns around our neighborhoods. All branches of government share in the responsibility of ridding our streets of guns. That’s why I asked Judge Riviezzo to reaffirm the important message that carrying a concealed illegal weapon will lead to the maximum prison sentence when she sentences David Flores tomorrow,” said Councilman Greenfield.

Flores has 20 prior arrests for charges including burglary, assault, public lewdness, robbery and gun possession, according to published reports and former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly. He faces between 5 and 15 years in prison when sentenced tomorrow morning.

“I will attend tomorrow’s hearing out of support to the brave and dedicated Shomrim volunteers, who give so much of their time to keep our community safe, and to express how important this sentencing is. The defendant is clearly someone who poses a threat to society and should be held fully accountable for his actions, which I expressed in my letter to the Judge last week,” added Councilman Greenfield.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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