Serial Knockout Attacker Arrested in Brooklyn

koAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) announced this evening that an important arrest has been made in conjunction with at least three of the Knockout attacks that occurred in Brooklyn over the past weeks. A male was taken into custody and identified by three separate women who said he had attacked them.

“I am eager to share this news with our community because everyone will sleep a little easier,” said Assemblyman Hikind. “As shocking and frightening as these attacks have proven to not only the victims but all of us, everywhere, we are also equally grateful to our excellent police officers who have addressed these crimes quickly and seriously. I have only the highest praise for the NY City Police Department, the Hate Crimes Unit, the 66th and 70th precincts, and the other units involved in this case.”

The man who was arrested is believed to be the attacker of a 20-year-old young woman on McDonald Ave., in Midwood (who was hit in the head on the Sabbath and knocked to the ground), of a woman who was attacked on Elm Ave. while she was out with her young daughter (also on the Sabbath), and of an elderly Russian woman.

Following the arrest, the three women identified their attacker out of a line-up on Sunday. Today, the victims testified in front of a Grand Jury.

“I will be watching this case closely,” said Hikind, who has remained in touch with several of the victims’ families. “This arrest is welcome news to all of us, but I continue to urge caution. No one in our community should live in fear, but prudence is always advisable.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. During the whole time wasn’t YWN reporting that our beloved councilman Greenfeld the one dealing with knockouts how does Hikind get involved with this & if he was involved why wasn’t it reported by YWN??????

    Moderators Response: It was. Use your search box. And while your on the way to the search box, get a life. And you know good and well why.

  2. What is the “race” of the accused? Why is the cover up necessary? Is this part of the new DeBlasio/James administration policy?

  3. White man arrest for knockout black man; holder sends FBi and charge man as hate crime. The monster because he is black and only attack Jews; just another crime. obumma your a your stinken administration including holder all belong in FEDERAL PRISON. I will laugh the day when I see one of your cronies that you are covering for end up in prison

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