Waze Refers to Arab Areas Inside Israel as ‘Occupied Palestine’

wazeChannel 10 News reported that if one checks the popular navigating App Waze for the nearest gas station when one is in the area of the Galil, or the Triangle, one will be directed to a station in “occupied Palestine” as Waze views these areas.

The Triangle refers to areas inside Israel that are predominately Arab, such as Nachal I’ron (Wadi Ara) and Um el-Fahm, areas recognized by the international community as Israel. The same holds true in the south near Bedouin areas such as Rahat. However, Waze feels that as a result of its predominately Arab population, despite being Israeli citizens, it is “occupied Palestine”.

When asked to comment on the report, Waze officials released a statement that they are investigating the matter.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. That is what much of the world considers to be the case. Those Israelis who think the war is about boundaries are naive – it is about the establishment of a non-Muslim state in the region.

    The only permanent solution is to wipe out the Muslims (who outnumber us roughly 100-1) and to settle for less that a sovereign nation.

  2. A computer app can’t “feel.” Only on a Jewish website do we get sarcasm in news reporting.

    Waze is user-driven content. It has advantages and disadvantages. Apparently many of the residents of Uhm al-Fahm who also use Waze think it’s occupied Palestine. I’ve been through Uhm al-Fahm a few times on Highway 65. It ain’t Bnei Brak.

    I was more concerned when Google and Facebook recognized Ben Yehuda Street as “East Jerusalem.” That’s not user driven content.

  3. “The only permanent solution is to wipe out the Muslims (who outnumber us roughly 100-1) and to settle for less that a sovereign nation.”

    Wow, some poeple are sounding like real ultra-zionists today. Meir Kahane would be proud. Well, actually not.

  4. We often get caught up in the events of the day and start taking that Democrats/Republicans, liberals/conservatives Arabs/Europeans etc are the enemy. The Gemara (Sukkah 52) states the reality: the only real enemy we have, is the Yetzer Hara.

  5. Israel is a suicidal country that’s the only reason that I can see for not joining their army. They are self defeating and literally suicidal!…..what else can you call a country that regularly release vicious killers of babies and mothers???

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