IDF Setting Up for Induction of Chareidim

idffWhile the Shaked Committee continues efforts to finalize a new chareidi draft law, the IDF is moving ahead with preparations for a large chareidi induction. A new chareidi infantry battalion has already been created and another is set to begin operating next year.

According to the Haaretz report, the second chareidi infantry battalion has already been established and in 2015, a third will come into being, with the latter being part of the IDF’s Homefront Command. Efforts are also underway to accommodate an expanded Shachar induction, which is intended for the older chareidim, avreichim, who will now have to serve.

In 2013, the IDF inducted 2,000 chareidim and in line with the expected law, that number will increase to 2,300 in 2014 and 2,600 in 2015. The IDF in November inducted two chareidi companies, another first. One of these companies is subordinate to Netzach Yehuda, better known as Nachal Chareidi and the second attached to an infantry battalion that will be completed with the inductions of 2014.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. The goyim have a phrase “counting one’s chickens before they are hatched” (though in this case the IDF can use a very broad definition of “hareidi” and count people who never intended to learn in yeshiva as of age 18).

  2. There is quite a large segment of “bochurim who never intended to learn in yeshiva as of age 18”, and they are from the Charedi kehillos.

    This is the group that the IDF is focusing on, it could be beneficial for these bochurim to be in a structured religious environment with specific boundaries.

  3. #1- In answer to the question you posed yesterday, my brother believes that the same way he and his sons served in the IDF without being corrupted (as you frequently claim happens), every other young man should serve as well.

    I answered your question, now answer mine please. When do YOU ever learn Torah?

  4. #3- The issue of either “bitul Torah” or “being corrupted” arises only with pro-zionist hareidim. My opinion is that if the medinah was kosher (i.e. there is a mitsvah to established a Jewish dominated state in Eretz Yisrael, even if it is dominated by Jews who don’t do mitsvos), it would be required to help defend it. Also I believe that a Ben Torah will not be corrupted by the army, but is more likely to be “radicalized” by its enforced and coercive secularism into becoming a radical anti-zionist (especially if he is in a regular non-frum unit), whereas it is the Am Ha’aretz who will be coerced into become totally non-observant.

    The ones who are protesting the loudest against conscription hold that the existence of the medinah is against halacha, any mitzvah you accomplish with the state’s assistance is a mitavah sheh ba ba-averiah, and that killing Arabs and destroying their property is simply murder and theft (i.e. since we are the rodef and they are the nirdaf, they are allowed to defend themselves, and we are required to withdraw).

    And I assure you, my YWN postings don’t come out of learning time – but don’t tell my boss.

  5. yanky55 you know the answer to that. there will always be cooks out there like left wing in government, anti religious, neturai karta and friends etc. who will do everything to hurt other yidden and believe that its a mitzvah. hopefully this nutcase only devotes his time posting things online and doesn’t do anything worst than that. best thing is not to pay attention.

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