VIDEO: Rav Eli Sadan on Tznius and the Secular Culture that Prevails in Israel


Rabbi Eli Sadan in one of his many shiurim spoke of the issue of modesty in the community. He lamented that statistically speaking, 50% of residents of the Tel Aviv area who marry will get divorced, adding “in some areas that number is even higher”.

Rav Sadan explained that in a Tel Aviv school, 50% of the students come from divorced homes and this is a startling figure that has an impact on the children.

Realizing contact between men and women is more likely in the dati leumi community than among chareidim, he adds “The Torah instructs us to use caution” referring to greeting one another. “One may say hello to a woman and this may be an innocent polite gesture, or chas v’sholom it can be more than just a hello.”

Rabbi Sadan addresses the growing number of unspeakable acts that occur in Israel involving young teenagers, and how after they are reported in the news there is an outcry – turning to police to act as the nation obsesses over the incident.

Rabbi Sadan asks rhetorically why the people do not awaken and question where the youth of Israel are exposed to these trends, where they learned of these unacceptable actions. “Why must one be exposed to large unacceptable billboards of women dressed inappropriately in the streets of Tel Aviv” he adds, giving an accurate description of the alarming lack of tznius in the modern state.

Rabbi Sadan, the rosh yeshiva of Bnei David, the first Mechina pre-IDF yeshiva established in the country over 25 years ago feels there cannot be any compromise on the matter of modesty in the religious camp.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. sad, but there is a connection with being un-tzinus and divorced. When a girl advertises her body, the men go for it; but they end up with a body and not a person and soon since they are interested in bodies and not persons, they tire and find another body.

    The kids obviously suffer from divorces and it creates a weakness in social fiber.

  2. Thanks for linking to this. He is a great Ruv and has done some great things in Eretz Isroel. A great follower of the torah of Rav Kook

  3. the problem in tznius is something that has plagued every camp of our society, and is a major mekatreg for the satan r’l. the charedim should not think that because they may be more strict in halachic areas e.g.covering hair compeltey and not relying on other questionable heterim, the lack of tznius is in fact worse in our camp as we tend to dress more elegantly and less ‘earthy’. tznius is much more about a general message that one gives rather than which area is covered. how many of us ask shailos regarding the length of sheitels, wearing robes in public, the tightness of dresses, as much as we do on the reliability over certain kashrus organisations and other such things? we do receive guidlelines from our gedolim in these areas but do we listen? the situation just seems to be getting worse Hashem yerachem.

  4. He also stated that times like these require us to be machmir even more than the Shulchan Aruch. He also had some additional insights, very nice,

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