Hate Graffiti Attack at the Tel Aviv Gra Shul

ssWhen mispallalim of the Gra Shul at 42 HaYarkon Street in Tel Aviv arrived for tefilos they were horrified to see swastikas and hate graffiti on the floor and walls of the shul.

When the mispallalim arrived for shachris on Tuesday 28 Teves 5774, they were greeted with the painful sight.

Police were summoned and a man in his 50s, a Tel Aviv resident was arrested and it appears he is being detained as a likely suspect in the attack.

A second hate attack is reported in Beersheva, where a Chabad House was targeted with swastikas and hate graffiti. No arrests reported.

A number of days ago “death to Jews” and swastikas were painted on a Beersheva building. Police are investigating but to date there are no reports of an arrest.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. This is to the editors.
    PLEASE stop using the swastika To those that lived through the churban and their families, it is very disturbing and hurtful. PLEASE!!!

  2. Thank you spider for your post. Perhaps if more of you also agree then the editors will realize that displaying that grotesque symbol us the utmost in evil graffiti and they should take it down immediately.

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