Biden Conditions His Visit To Israel On No Building In “Settlements”

(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

The Biden administration on Friday warned Israel about its plans to build in the “settlements” and President Biden even conditioned his upcoming visit to Israel in about a month on the issue.

However, Israeli officials told the Biden administration that if the government refrains from advancing the plan to build thousands of homes in Yehuda and the Shomron, the coalition will dissolve, Channel 12 News reported on Motzei Shabbos.

Yamina MK Nir Aurbach, who issued an ultimatum to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on the building issue, responded to the report by stating: “Construction in the settlements isn’t a decision of a foreign entity, senior as he may be. Whoever doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to build in Yehudah and Shomron is welcome not to come.”

Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked stated that she “welcomes the meeting of the Higher Planning Council in preparation for the construction of about 4,000 housing units…Construction in Yehudah and Shomron is a basic and necessary thing and should be taken for granted.”

Gideon Sa’ar’s New Hope party also issued a statement supporting the move.

According to the report, Israel was set to approve 5,800 homes in the Shomron but reduced it to 4,000 after discussions with Biden administration officials.

“Israel’s program of expanding settlements deeply damages the prospect for a two-state solution,” Deputy State Department spokesperson Jalina Porter said on Friday.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. If Israel had one ounce of self respect, it would tell that demented Alzheimer diseased traitorous old hair sniffing pervert to stay home.
    Saudi-Arabia did not even accept a phone call from that idiotic DemonRat zombie.

  2. What a fricking חוצפה!!!! You need to mind your own business & clear up the numerous problems & mess you have created in your own backyard of America. You are persona non grata in Israel, and quite frankly, we really don’t need nor want your visit. Simply retreat to your basement in Delaware, and remain there for ever.

  3. Why would Israel have any desire for this geriatric Obama lacky who kisses up to the Ayatollas and who is only in office due to a stolen election to come? It’s a pain in the rear for Israeli traffic and we don’t need him to come sniff our kids.

  4. A senile President who shakes hand with the air and whisper psychotic phrases is passing gas when talking about Jews and settlements.
    Mr. President stay in your bunker and take your pills and let your handlers run the country.

  5. Stay home, Sleepy Joe.

    The flights too long for you anyhow.

    You’ll suffer from jet-lag for a year.

  6. Joe should stay home and fix the southern border crisis. He should stay home and bring down the price of gasoline. He should stay home and fix the put of control crime problem.

  7. These democratic administrations are impossible to figure out.

    You show them two options to solving a problem – one that has been tried ad nauseum and never worked and one option that was successful and they always choose the option that never worked.

    How many administrations have tried the 2-state solution, making sure not to offend the Palestinians in any small way, which resulted in total failure. President Trump tries a different approach, gets solid results, and the next administration completely discards it and goes back to what never worked.

    I just don’t understand these Democrats.

  8. Why don’t they move forward on the very needed two state solution. Israel- any of the Arab world. Because no one wants those animals

    Begin said to the US. What do you think we are a banana country.

    Lefty liberal fools

  9. You mean we can BOTH build in Yehuda & Shomron AND not Mr. Biden visit. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

  10. Nice photo. Do you know why this dimwit is laughing? Because morons and idiots like you voted for him!

  11. To Yaapchik: Ukrainian refugees are supposed to live in Ukraine, and not be refugees, but Trump’s great pal Putin threw a thousand wrenches in that.

    Several YWN commenters seem to think that Israel does not need the help of the US and should insult its president. I don’t buy that.

    What would be the harm if Israel postponed the construction in the Occupied Territories until after Biden’s visit?

    As for that 2-state solution, the Arabs, including the Palestinian ones, have closed the door on that prospect.

  12. hj – “occupied territories”?!?! These areas are Yehuda and Shomron! Israel does not need the help of this ridiculous demented idiot – Brandon, stay home.

  13. To dbrim: If the descendants of the pre-Columbian Americans start referring to portions New York State as the Iroquois Confederation, will us post-Columbian Americans have to give it back and leave?

    And whatever happened to that decaf coffee you used to make?

  14. decaf – what? Open a chumash and read rashi on the first possick in sefer Beraishes. To paraphrase Brandon: If you don’t believe Hashem gave Israel to the Jews, you ain’t Jewish

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