LAST LICKS FOR BANBERG: Outgoing NYC Mayor Signs Bill Banning E-Cigarettes

blom2New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has signed a bill restricting electronic cigarettes on his second-to-last day in office.

Bloomberg signed the bill Monday that prohibits e-cigarettes in all areas where regular cigarettes are banned.

That includes offices, restaurants, bars and city parks.

Bloomberg leaves office Tuesday after three terms. He made public health initiatives like restricting smoking a priority of his administration.

The City Council voted earlier this month to include e-cigarettes in the city’s smoking ban.

Now that Bloomberg has signed the bill, it will take effect in four months.

The tobacco-free cigarettes heat up a chemical solution and emit vapors while giving smokers their nicotine fix.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has said it intends to regulate e-cigarettes but it has yet to issue any rules.


6 Responses

  1. Like with all his other rules, its the corrupt City Council that always gives him his seal of approval. Everyone qvetches about the Nanny Bl$$mberg, buts its the dummies you keep electing to the Council that are responsible for his enacting them! Btw, he couldn’t of overturned “term limits” & remain in power, without the help of the spineless Council members! But that’s ok, the “askonim” just pushed thru one of the worst people to be next “speaker”! Enjoy!

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