MAJOR NEWS: U.S. Supreme Court Votes to Strike Down Roe v. Wade Abortion Law, Draft Opinion Shows

Abortion rights advocates hold signs that read "Abortion is Essential" as they demonstrate in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021, in Washington, as the court hears arguments in a case from Mississippi, where a 2018 law would ban abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, well before viability. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down the Roe v. Wade decision that made abortions legal at a federal level, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito obtained by POLITICO.

The opinion repudiates the 1973 landmark decision which guarantees a Constitutional right to getting an abortion, as well as a dismissal of a 1992 decision that largely upheld the right.

“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito wrote in the opinion. “Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey (the 1992 decision) have enflamed debate and deepened division.”

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overturned. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

The opinion obtained by POLITICO was simply a draft and has not been officially released by the court. While it is possible that one or more justices could flip their vote on the matter, such changes are rare, meaning that Roe v. Wade has almost certainly been struck down.

Secondary to federal abortion rights being struck down is a major scandal: how did a draft SCOTUS opinion piece get leaked? Never has such a thing occurred in all of Supreme Court history, and there will almost certainly be a major investigation into who is behind this major leak.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. your headline is very misleading. they did not actually strike down roe vs wade its only a draft opinion as it says in the article and the justices can rule differently. this is click bait

  2. I’m patiently waiting for GadolHadorah to come and enlighten us about why the baby murder meat market was a righteous endeavor that just got stamped out by Trump.

  3. According to Alejandro Mayorkas, this is disenformation and Merrick Garland should have these Supreme court justices arrested.

  4. Leaving the abortion issue to the states allows more liberal interpretations of what the ‘cutoff’ date should be to disallow them. States with large democratic bases, by and large, for instance, are unfortunately attempting to extend the timeframe – even after a baby is born in some cases, r’l. They are seeking to profit from organ harvesting money and also research subjects. It is actually detestable and will not bring a blessing.

  5. What a load of garbage. The court has NOT voted anything. It has certainly not struck down anything. As you yourselves admit this is merely a first draft of POSSIBLE court opinion. It’s what Alito would LIKE to see the court issue. But no vote has been taken, and there is no way of knowing what the court will eventually hold.

    Of course every decent person must hope and pray that the outcome will be something like this, but it is dishonest and stupid to pretend it has already happened. Indeed the only possible reason why someone with access to this document would have leaked it is precisely to stir up pressure on the justices and PREVENT such an outcome.

  6. I have no idea who has access to these drafts but if it’s only Supreme Court Justices and their staff then I would be looking in the direction of the most recently acquired bench.

  7. Only 60 million babies too late.
    After Obergefell I thought it was the beginning of the end for the U.S., but maybe there is still some hope to after all…

  8. 1. Your source is based on a leaked, and possibly forged, putative first draft of a judge’s opinion. Your headline is blatantly false,

    2. Making abortion a matter of states rights will have minimal impact on Yidden since most of us live in Blue states, which will continue to allow abortion of demand. Note the the Congress could by statute vote to override state laws by asserting they are acting under the 14th (“equal protection”) amendment.

    3. In any event, abortion within our community is limited to very extraordinary conditions (as per halacha, and the fact that our religious beliefs are very pro-natalist), so changing the law will have minimal impact even on yidden in Red states. If the United States is perceived in Israel as being anti-abortion, and especially if American Jews are see as being pro-life, it would influence the zionists to restrict abortions in Eretz Yisrael (but the reality is that most American Jews are pro-abortion, and the secular majority is what funds and influences the zionists).

    4. It may divert the public debate from matters such as foreign (e.g. Ukraine, China) and economic policy (inflation).

  9. Putting aside my personal feeling that overturning Roe is bad for the country, it will make electing Republicans to public office much more difficult. There are plenty of centrist Americans who were ready to vote Republican to address crime, liberty and other important issues but will they be prepared to do so at the cost of reproduction rights? I can see it now in ’24: vote Biden unless you want a Federal law banning abortion.

  10. besalel: The probable Supreme Court decision will turn things over to state legislatures, rather than a federal law banning abortion. When people realize that the decision doesn’t ban abortion, the screaming will die down. Given that most Americans favor significant restrictions on abortion (as opposed to abortion on demand up to and perhaps including childbirth), the major political impacts will be on state races in purple states, and in diverting debate from the economy and foreign policy (neither of which makes Biden look good).

  11. why are ppl here moaning over babies who will grow up either idolaters (who deserve to be killed anyway) or social maniacs who will ruin our lives?

    Let them snip them out in the bud!

    Tov shebanchashim harog

  12. The Torah isn’t some little cultural tribal shtik that Jews do. Our job is to speak out and spread Torah morality to the entire world, even if it is uncomfortable for us

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